
First nations art installation
This term, Glenroy College celebrated national Reconciliation Week with the official opening of our Indigenous Welcome installation.
The installation was designed collaboratively by students of Glenroy College and Glenroy Central Primary School, under the guidance of Auntie Di, Auntie Julianne, and Auntie Gail, with amazing artwork by Alex Kerr. Elder Perry Wandin performed a traditional smoking ceremony and Welcome To Country to dignitaries from Merri-bek City Council, the Department of Education, Peter Khalil MP, representatives of Kathleen Matthews-Ward MP, staff, students and parents.
This installation will be a daily reminder that we at Glenroy College, now more than ever, are proud supporters of the fight for justice and the rights of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people.
A huge thanks to everybody who attended and contributed over the design and creation of this important installation!
Bully Zero Presentation
As part of Glenroy College’s Holistic approach to Healthy Relationships, Bully Zero come into the school and present to our students. Students were provided with evidence-based information on bullying, the different types of bullying and its impact on young people.
Students were also taught a variety of strategies to help them assess and respond to bullying situations, whilst also identifying and understanding the role of bystanders. During this term we also had Victoria Police facilitate sessions to students on how to keep safe online and students rights and responsibilities. Victoria Legal Aid also presented to our students regarding online cyber bullying and the law and making positive decision when a student finds themselves in a group of young people that are about to break the law.
We are planning to provide our students with further education, in term 3, regarding their rights and responsibilities. Should anyone have any inquires please contact Charlie Moukbel, Well-Being Coordinator.