School wide news

School leadership excursion
On the 19th of April some of our student leaders attended the 92nd ANZAC Commemoration Ceremony for students. This was a ceremony to remember soldiers who have fought and lost their lives fighting for their country. The service involved singing choir from local schools, speeches from the Governor of Victoria, and guard of honour marches. Our Middle Captains Millie Dess and Sabirin Salim laid a wreath on behalf of Glenroy College to remember the fallen soldiers.
Glenroy College Science fair
On Tuesday 18th and Wednesday 19th June Glenroy College welcomed four local primary schools to their annual Science Fair. The primary students were captivated with the activities as they rotated around the different rooms.
The DigiTech room allowed students to work with coding and make a step counter.
The Physics room explored forces as students made balloon rockets to race across the room. The Chemistry room allowed students to investigate the pH of everyday household items using an indicator made from red cabbages, and the Biology room had students creating a model of DNA from lollies, participating in taste tests and observing small objects under a microscope.
The sessions were exciting and rewarding for both students and staff alike, with some lucky students winning prizes of 3D printed critters. The Lions Club hosted a yummy BBQ where students were able to have lunch and get to spend time in our Café and enjoy a hot chocolate to warm up. There were games to play in the yard where students show cased their throwing skills in games such as hacky sac and had lots of fun.
Some student testimonials:
“This was the best Science Fair and they never want to leave Glenroy College!”
“The experiments were so much fun and loved to get to eat lollies"
“I thought the school looked creepy on the outside but when I came here the school is amazing and love the café!”
“All the staff are lovely and really nice and high school is not so scary now!”
Thanks to all the staff involved over the two days.
The Math and DigiTech Olympics will be happening on Tuesday August 13th, where more primary schools will be participating in events.
Oak Park Primary will be trying to hold onto their victory from 2023..
The Extraordinary Women of Glenroy
Glenroy College are beyond proud to hear that a number of staff and student had been selected to be celebrated in the Enjoy Glenroy "Extraordinary Women of Glenroy" exhibit.
Glenroy is home to many remarkable women with stories as diverse as the people that live here. We wanted to uncover and share some of these stories, so we reached out on International Women’s Day and asked the community, “Who do you think is doing extraordinary things in Glenroy?”
We were not disappointed with the responses.
We used the nominations from the community to gather a group of women. We’ve learned about them over the past month, and we’re now sharing 21 of Glenroy’s amazing women and their stories with you in this exhibition.
Some are long-time residents of Glenroy and others are newcomers. All of them have used their challenges and skills to help others.
All of them are extraordinary.
Be prepared to see their wonderful faces around the Glenroy community, including a beautiful light show that projects their portraits in a light show around Glenroy's major businesses.
We are so thrilled to present below our "Extraordinary Women of Glenroy", and are grateful to have such independent, intelligent and brave women in our Glenroy College community.
Visit to read the beautiful statements from students Alishba and Jez, as well as our wonderful staff Lidia and Jo, and check out their portraits on the website!