From the Principal

Dear LPS Families and Friends,
I hope everyone had a fantastic break over the holidays. Whilst my children are now a little older, I certainly remember the relief that came with a 2-week break, not just from getting kids ready for school, but from their never-ending sporting activities!
2026 Kindergarten
I am thrilled to announce that a new kindergarten will be built at our school. Yesterday we had the pleasure of welcoming Minister for Children, Lizzie Blandthorn, along with her colleagues Michael Gallea MP and Lee Tarlamis MP to make the announcement to staff and school councillors. Whilst we are very excited and can see many benefits from the new kinder, decisions such as this are not made at a school-level but rather by the Department of Education and based on data around the number of young people in the area and also the current kinders.
This new centre will provide additional kindergarten places for the local community, while making drop-off time simpler and more convenient for some families. It also provides opportunities for us to improve the transition to school for some students, whilst offering valuable opportunities for our own students.
We will work closely with the Victorian School Building Authority (VSBA), who will oversee construction works and expect the kinder to be completed and open Term 1, 2026. The kinder will be operated by an external organisation with experience in running kinders. Once appointed, they will manage all enrolment, staffing and program enquiries.
We’re mindful of any impact construction might have on our community, and will be working with the VSBA to minimise this. The VSBA will create a dedicated webpage for the project so that you can track its progress and get updates and I will inform you when this is available.
This is an exciting time for our school, and I look forward to sharing further updates and the design of the building once they become available.
Parent Engagement Groups (PEGS)
Over the past month, you will have noticed some new initiatives we have been promoting through Facebook and email. At LPS we talk about the Pegasus Family and how we are all connected through our school community. We have always done a great job of helping students connect with others through Circles, Clubs and whole school events however connecting parents to each other has been more difficult. We are aware that many families are so busy that drop off and pick up are not great opportunities to chat and meet others and even when you do it is a connection that is born through your children's friendships.
Starting this term we are launching several parent-only activities where you will have the opportunity to connect with others through:
- A walking group (LysterStrides)
- Fitness Classes ((LysterFit)
- A parent's book club (Lysterfield Book Club)
We are also looking at ways we can engage parents with student learning through both whole school activities and at a class level and will provide more information as the term progresses.
If these activities interest you, please keep an eye on Compass and Facebook as we provide more information throughout the term, alternately please reach out to Mr Daniel Thomas who is coordinating the PEGS initiative.
2025 Prep Enrolments
2025 Prep enrolments are now open and closing soon. Please click here for the registration link and to complete the enrolment application.
Enrolment timeline:
● Submit an enrolment form for Prep by Friday 26th July 2024
● You will be notified of the outcome of your application on Monday 29th July
● When you receive an offer of placement, you should accept the offer by Friday 23rd August 2024. You can accept only one placement offer.
The weather forecast doesn't look great this weekend so it might be time to find a good book or movie.
Adam Wight | Principal