Key Dates


*indicates a new date on the list


Wednesday 19th June

1/2D Assembly 2:40pm in Community Centre


Tuesday 25th June

Parent Teacher Interviews (Students go home at 1:30pm)

(Camp Australia OSHC available for registered students)

SAC Meeting 7:15pm


Wednesday 26th June

Parent Teacher Interviews (Students go home at 1:30pm)

(Camp Australia OSHC available for registered students)


Friday 28th June

Winter Woollies Day wear warm clothes and last day for donations

Early Finish 1.30pm (last day of term 2)

(Camp Australia OSHC available for registered students)


PFA Movie Night



26-28 August

Year 5 / 6 Camp Rumbug


29 August

*Year 5/ 6 Camp recovery day (No Year 5/6 students or staff at school)

School Closure Days and Camp Australia


Term 3

Thursday 19th September - Early Finish 1.30pm (last day of term for students)

Friday 20th September - School Closure Day  ( Camp Australia OSHC not available)


Term 4

Monday 4th November - School Closure Day  (Camp Australia OSHC not available)

Friday 15th November - School Closure Day

Tuesday 17th December - Early Finish 1.30pm (last day of the year for students)


ICAS Testing Dates 



Digital Technologies (Yr 2-6)Monday 5th August 3:15-4:20
Writing (Yr 3-6)Wednesday 7th August 3:15-4:20
English (Yr 2-6)Tuesday 13th August 3:15-4:20
Science (Yr 2-6)Monday 19th August 3:15-4:20
Spelling Bee (Yr 2-6)Wednesday 21st August 3:15-4:20

School Review Dates

The dates of our school review are:

19th August- preliminary visit to check policies and child safety standards to ensure we comply with VRQA requirements.

9th September- Day 1 at the school with meetings of key stakeholders, students, staff &   parents.

13th September- Day 2 at the school with meetings of key stakeholders, students, staff &  parents.

24th October- Dialogue and engagement day.