Key Dates & Reminders
Below are list of some of the main dates for Family Calendars for the next couple of months:
June Dates
Tuesday 25th June - Vinnies Winter Appeal Casual Clothes Day
Wednesday 26th June - School Mass
Friday 28th June - End of Term STUDENTS FINISH @ 12:30
July Dates
Monday 15th July - Term 3 starts for Students
Friday 19th July - TK Tuckshop Lunch Orders commence
Wednesday 24th July - School Mass
Thursday 25th July - Sacrament of Confirmation Family Meeting
Saturday 27th July - Community Mass
Tuesday 30th July - School Advisory Council Meeting
A reminder that Term 2 concludes this Friday 28th June, with an early finish of 12:30pm for students. Students return for Term 3 on Monday 15th July.
Tomorrow parents will receive a link to a digital copy of their child’s Semester One Report. Should you encounter any technical difficulties accessing these reports please contact the school Office. Your child’s progress in Religion, English and Mathematics is measured against the achievement standards of the Victorian Curriculum. These marks are supported by a comprehensive overview of your child’s skills in the areas of English and Mathematics. Families are also given an opportunity to view their child’s progress in the area of Personal & Social Capabilities. We recommend that you store the report in a safe place for future reference, as it may be required during transition to secondary school or should you move to another primary school.
Students from our Year 6 Social Justice Team have done a group job organising this year’s Vinnies Winter Appeal. At our School Mass tomorrow we will be celebrating the Feast of the Sacred Heart. This feast is traditionally the time when all parish communities reflect on ways they can “exchange hearts with Christ” so as to feel and act with the Heart of Jesus. The most common way we do this is to be like Jesus and seek out those around us who need extra support. Through the donations we have collected, we can in a real and tangible way impact the lives of those in our community who are struggling this winter. Thanks once again to all families for your generous donations. We are aiming to have members of our local Vinnies collect these donations this Thursday.
Our final school Mass for the term will be tomorrow Wednesday 26th June and will be dedicated to the Sacred Heart of Jesus. At this Mass we offer assistance to the poor by donating non perishable grocery items. These will be brought forward with the offertory procession and will then be handed on to the St Vincent De Paul Society who will distribute the goods to needy local families.
The celebration of our 2024 Sacrament of Confirmation will take place during Term 3. To help parents prepare their children for this important Sacrament we will be holding a Family Night on Thursday 25th July @ 7:00pm in the St John’s Hall. At this meeting Fr Albert will chat with families about the importance of the Sacrament your child is preparing to receive.
It is expected that all Confirmation Candidates attend this meeting with a parent. During the meeting we will be discussing church requirements such as who is eligible to be a Confirmation Sponsor, the significance of the saint’s name your child chooses to take in Confirmation and the dress code for the celebration.
Below is a list of important dates, in the lead up to celebrating the sacrament. You may wish to mark these on your family calendar:
Confirmation Family Meeting
Thursday 25th July
7:00pm @ St John’s School Hall
Sacrament of Confirmation
Friday 23rd August
7:00pm @ St Andrew’s Church Werribee