News from around the school

Events & Reminders

New - Special Friend/Grandparents Day Celebrations.

Mark this date on your calendar now!!

On Friday, 26th July (Week Two of Term Three), we will celebrate “Special Friend/Grandparents Day” with classrooms open for visitors from 9:00am - 10:00am and then a whole school special concert from 10:00am - 10:40am.

All classes will present a short song, dance or musical item during this concert!

This event coincides with the Feast of St. Anne and St. Joachim, the parents of Mary, the Mother of Jesus, which is celebrated on this day. It also celebrates the World Day of Grandparents and the Elderly, which is on Sunday, 28th July.

Children are encouraged to invite a special family friend or grandparent to have a look at their work, enjoy a classroom activity with them and then attend the concert!


Reminder - 2025 Prep Enrolments. 

2025 Prep Enrolments are now open and enrolment packs are now available from the school office.

If you have not received one and have a student starting with us next year or know of any family who is looking to attend St Mary's please contact the school office for the appropriate paperwork.

We ask for Enrolment Applications to be returned prior to the end of Term 2.


REMINDER - Subway Lunch Orders

Change of Day - Due to the Pupil Free Day, Subway orders will be delivered Thursday this week, orders can be brought to the office prior to 4pm today or taken directly to Subway before close of business tonight.


Paper subway orders are to be placed in Subway Tub Thursday's for delivery Friday. We ask for late orders to be submitted to Subway Store before close of business each Thursday, please avoid dropping them in Friday mornings.


For orders via CDFpay, please place order before 12pm Thursdays. Scan the QR code beside and register your details if you haven't already done so, and use the Subway menu to place an order. If you do not have a CDFpay account please follow the directions in the Instruction sheet below.


Reminder - School Uniform

Students are to wear winter uniform for terms 2 & 3.

Sports uniform is to be worn for students PE day and all students are required to wear black basketball shorts or black tracksuit pants.

REMINDER - bike shorts are not school uniform.

Reminder - Bingo Helpers Needed

Last year, St Mary's Bingo contributed more than $20,000 to the school which has benefited us in many ways including purchasing land (Hall St properties) and resources for the school.  The most recent donation was put towards the installation of new playground equipment. Unfortunately the volunteer roster is very low at the moment and they require help.  If you can spare some time on a few Saturday nights a year, please consider assisting.

If you are interested please contact Maree Williams 0438 084 364 or by email


School Happenings

REMINDER - 5/6 Showcase

Our 5/6 students have been working hard on their current Inquiry topic and would like to invite parents & families to come and have a look at their work.

5/6 Inquiry Showcase

WHERE - 5/6 classrooms 

WHEN - Thursday 20th of June 

TIME - 12pm until 1pm.

New - Bravehearts

On Wednesday 12th of June, Prep – Yr 2 students participated in the Bravehearts Show starring Ditto. The children learnt about having a 5 finger safety team, which they can list people they trust to go to when they feel unsafe and unsure.

They joined in with singing songs, saying the safety rules and acting out actions.

Parents can access the Bravehearts site for more information or free resources.

The children will complete lessons in the coming weeks and complete a booklet in class.


New - Preps Stem Learning

Last week in the preps we explored Cinderella STEM activities.

We explored a range of activities where we explored how we can make stands for Cinderella’s pumpkin to stand up on.

We designed a carriage to create for Cinderella to arrive at the ball.

We created bird feeders for the birds to enjoy and we created our own magical wand and explored blowing bubbles through them.

We love our STEM inquiry learning in the prep classroom every Wednesday


New - 5/6 Area - Special Guest Speaker

Last week the 5/6 students were lucky enough to have a special guest speaker, Mrs Griffin! 

Our 5/6s are learning about the First Catholics in Australia and Mrs Griffin was able to tell them all about the history of St Mary's church as well as our school. 

Thank you Mrs Griffin!


New - 

Our Grade 1s had fun learning in Maths this week as part of our Location unit. 

We learned how to program the Bee bots to make them move forwards, backwards and turn left and right.


New - 1/2's Learning History

As part of our history unit learning about Mooroopna’s past, our 1/2s enjoyed working in the ‘olden day’ desk!


New - Winton Wetlands

Last Friday our FIRE Carriers and Yr 5/6 Indigenous students went to Winton Wetlands to learn about Yorta Yorta traditions and culture.


New - 5/6 Area Parish Guest Speaker

On Monday, our 5/6s learnt how our Parish of St Mary's is living the Gospel Values in a very practical way. 


Cathie McMaster spoke to our Senior students about her involvement in the Night Winter Shelter and providing meals for those in need. 


Thank you Cathie, you are a wonderful example to our students!



New - 5's Teamwork & Leadership Skills

The Grade 5’s continued their teamwork and leadership skills building Tuesday afternoon with a Lego activity! 

At first, they were given a bag of Lego without any picture or instructions. Next; they were given the box with the picture, and finally they were given the instructions! Groups had to work together to problem solve and build the Lego and were happy with their final results!



We have a facebook page.  If you haven't checked it out or are not following the page the link is listed below.

St Marys Facebook Page


Our Facebook page and our fortnightly newsletter are two of our main sources for communicating information to our families.