Mr Butts' Announcements

Reconciliation Week flag raising ceremony.

Every minute matters!

It should be every parent's priority to get their children to school on time and only pick them up early if it is totally necessary. 

Principal Announcement

It was with a very heavy heart that I announced to staff and students that I am finishing my time as Principal at St Mary's at the end of term 3. I have been very lucky to be part of our wonderful community for the last 16 years and it is going to be very difficult to leave. An advertisement for my replacement will be released very soon and there will hopefully be a new principal appointed mid term 3. Parents, carer's and staff will be part of a consultation process that will be used in the appointment of the next principal. 

Thank you to those who have been understanding and supportive of my move. Your thoughts and messages have been very touching and appreciated.

Feast of the Sacred Heart

Last Friday all classes attended a liturgy for the feast of the Sacred Heart. During this time of the year we highlight the need to help those in need and donate to the Vinnies Winter appeal. We are asking all families to donate non food and clothes which can be left in the foyer at school.


Catholic families MISSING OUT on much needed funding 

The Victorian state government recently announced a $400 “School Saver Bonus” handout to all Government school students. This blatantly discriminatory scheme means Catholic school students miss out, while the wealthiest families from state schools receive the money.  Families can sign the petition to show their support for a more equitable School Saving Bonus by visiting:

ICAS Competition

St Mary's Gr 3-6 students are invited to take part in the following ICAS tests again this year:

English, Maths, Science, Digital Technology, Spelling Bee and Writing. 

Parents are required to pay to enter the competition. See attached letter for entry details.


Before School Supervision

Please note that  all students that arrive at school prior to 8:30am must fill out an application that is explained the letter below.  I appreciate everyone's understanding and cooperation regarding this.


Assembly 17th June


Principal's Award

17th June - Ella Commisso

 Ella is a wonderful role model in the classroom and always completes all of her work to a high standard. She is a great leader of the school - always displaying the four PBIS values. Ella has also carried out her FIRE Carrier leadership role at a high standard.

Pupil Free Day Friday 

Just a reminder that this Friday (21st June) is a pupil free day.  All staff are taking part in First Aid training.

Last Day of Term

Please note next Friday 28th June is the last day of term and the students will be dismissed at 2:20pm.

Mr Butts' Jokes!

Q: What is faster hot or cold?

A:  Hot, because you can catch a cold!


Q: What do you call a chook who counts its eggs?

A:  A mathemachicken!!! 



Anthony Butts



"Let Your Light Shine before others, so they may see your good works." Matthew 5:13