Hello 1/2 Families, 


What a term we’ve had! We are so proud of the kindness, determination and passion for learning that the students have demonstrated this term. We would like to thank the community for all of their support with ensuring students arrive at school on time, hand in their homework, change their readers, and for all of the parent volunteers who helped us throughout the term- we couldn’t do it without you! Please read below to see all of the highlights from our term. 



Last week, the students worked in groups to read, rehearse and perform Indigenous dreamtime stories. The students should be so proud of their achievements, as they produced very entertaining plays! 


In Term 2, the students continued to extend their understanding of various phonemes. We focused on digraphs and trigraphs in phonics groups and enjoyed writing our focus words in sentences. To further our understanding, we also played fun games with the focus phonics sound. We are excited to continue our knowledge of phonics in Term 3! 



This term in Maths we focused on addition and subtraction. We learnt lots of strategies to add and subtract numbers, including bonds to twenty, tens facts and the split strategy. To show our understanding, we created our own addition games to play with our classes. We had great fun!




This term students have been developing their problem solving and collaboration skills through STEM Challenges! Students had lots of fun designing and creating the tallest towers out of different materials.



This term students explored the ways First Nations Peoples collect and communicate important information from observing the natural environment. Students participated in many exciting activities including damper making, looking at the stars and seasons, and investigating indigenous animal tracks!

We have so many exciting activities planned for Term Three including a Mini Olympics, Pyjama Day, Book Week and a 1/2 Restaurant Day! 


We hope you all have a restful holiday!


The 1/2 Team