Term 2 - End of term highlights and celebrations


End of Term Newsletter


Literacy Highlights

This term has been an exciting journey in literacy for our Prep students. We have concluded our exploration of the enchanting characters in the "Little Learners Love Literacy" program. Each character brought unique stories and lessons, enriching our students' reading and comprehension skills. The highlight of our literacy adventure was undoubtedly the Milo Monkey Birthday Party. The students were thrilled to celebrate this milestone with games, songs, and delightful treats, making it a memorable event for everyone. Watching the children immerse themselves in the stories and grow in their literacy journey has been incredibly rewarding.

Numeracy Achievements

In numeracy, our students have made significant strides in consolidating their number knowledge. Through a variety of hands-on activities, interactive games, and engaging lessons, they have developed a strong foundation in basic numeracy skills. From counting and number recognition to simple addition and subtraction, the progress has been remarkable. The joy of seeing students confidently solve problems and enjoy math activities has been a testament to their hard work and enthusiasm. We are proud of their achievements and look forward to continuing this journey of discovery and learning in the next term.

Inquiry Learning: Understanding Change

Our inquiry focus this term has been on the concept of change. Students have explored various aspects of change, from the natural world to personal growth. Through experiments, observations, and discussions, they have learned about the changing seasons, the life cycles of plants and animals, and even how they themselves are growing and changing. This topic has sparked curiosity and excitement, encouraging students to ask questions and seek answers. Their engagement and insights have been truly impressive, demonstrating their ability to think critically and connect new knowledge to their everyday lives.


Fine Motor Control

Fine motor skills are crucial for prep students as they form the foundation for many essential academic and everyday tasks, such as writing, cutting, and buttoning clothes. Developing these skills early helps children gain better control over their hand and finger movements, enhancing their ability to perform more complex tasks with precision and confidence. To support this important aspect of their development, we have been engaging our students in weekly fine motor rotations. These activities are designed to be both fun and educational, incorporating a variety of exercises that strengthen hand-eye coordination, dexterity, and muscle control. By integrating these rotations into our curriculum, we aim to ensure that our prep students are well-prepared for the challenges ahead and can approach their learning with greater ease and enthusiasm.

Forming Friendships in Prep

The social development of our Prep students has been a joy to witness. Forming friendships is a crucial part of the Prep experience, and our students have done wonderfully in building strong, positive relationships with their peers. Through collaborative activities, playtime, and group projects, they have learned important social skills such as sharing, empathy, and cooperation. The bonds they have formed this term will undoubtedly continue to grow, providing a supportive and friendly environment for their learning and development. It’s heartwarming to see them support each other, celebrate successes, and navigate challenges together.

Wellbeing in Prep

The wellbeing of our students has been a top priority throughout the term. We have focused on creating a nurturing and positive environment where every child feels valued and supported. Activities such as mindfulness exercises, storytelling, and group discussions have helped students understand and express their emotions. They have also learned strategies for managing stress and building resilience. By fostering a sense of belonging and promoting emotional health, we aim to ensure that every student feels happy and secure at school. The growth in their confidence and self-awareness has been wonderful to see.


Highlights from the Term

The Prep team have interviews the Prep students and asked them what their highlight was for the term, here are what they have to say: 


Caitlin B - “I liked playing my friends Emily and Caitlin C and I like playing in the playground with them” 

Kim “I liked making different numbers and playing with my friends” 

Rosa “I like my friends at school, I like to draw MieMie and Yasmin and Amy” 

RIley “I like being able to move tables and sit with different people” 

Emily “Making new friends” 

Orla “I like learning new things”

Caitlin C “Playing with my friends” 

Harper “Learning lots of new things and playing with my friends” 

Sallyann “Doing different things”

Lachlan Z “ Having Milo Monkey’s Birthday party” 

Lachlan C “Learning the letter L and H” 

Kidan “I like being at school” 

Peyton “Learning new sounds” 

Guy “I liked doing Maths” 

Jonyaar “Playing outside with my friends” 

Jiyaan “Doing fun things in the classroom” 

Jasper “I like playtime”

Jay “I like school” 

Ollie “Having milo monkeys party” 

Isaac “Playing in the playground” 

Nickan “I like playing”

Chloe “I like seeing my friends”

Fiona “Learning new stuff” 

Vera “Making new friends” 

Daniel “I play”

Vincent “I like using the unifix blocks” 

Golsa “ I like colouring in” 

Lakoda “I like doing fun things”


Farewell to Vera

As we close this term, we bid a fond farewell to Vera, who is returning to Singapore. Vera has been an integral part of our class, bringing joy, kindness, and a unique perspective to our community. Our students have cherished the time spent with her, creating fond memories that will last a lifetime. We wish Vera all the best in her new adventures and hope she will visit us again one day. Her departure is bittersweet, but we are grateful for the moments we shared and the friendships formed.


We look forward to seeing what the next term brings and continuing our journey of learning and growth together. Thank you for your continued support and engagement. Have a wonderful break!


Warm regards,

Prep Teachers, 

Amy, MieMie and Yasmin