Principal's message


Dear Parents, 


The Feast of the Sacred Heart last Friday was  a great day for our children to show their care and compassion for those in our community, by raising awareness of the plight of those who are experiencing cold this winter and for them to act on this awareness through raising funds for Blankets, scarves and beanies.


The children's participation in our liturgy was spirited and their singing was joyous.


The hot dog lunch was a great way to complete the focus on the Feast of the Sacred Heart as was the bunting on our front fence made by volunteer students in their lunch hours.


The hearts glittered and shimmered on our front fence proclaiming to those passing by  our intentions and focus for the day.


The money raised from the sales for the second hand uniforms and the money raised

from the prima drink containers from lunches recycled throughout the year were all donated to the St. Vinnies winter appeal. 


Work Experience

This week we have 10 year ten students from Galen completing their work experience.  

All students are past pupils of St. Bernard's. 


It was a pleasure to speak with the students regarding induction before they headed to the classrooms, as they all presented such fine young people. 


Pupil Free Day 

As advertised in previous school newsletters,  Thursday 20th June is a pupil free day, staff will be working at school on Professional Learning. 

There is no school for students on this day. 


This Wednesday St. Bernard's hosts the Lions Club Public Speaking competition, we welcome children from various schools across Wangaratta to our school and hope that all children participating find the experience a rich one.


Have a great week


Patricia Boak
