
Friday Community Mass

7 June 2024

Thank you to Fr Lovin who celebrated The Sacred Heart of Jesus Soemnity with us on Friday morning. Thank you to all who attended particularly the members of 7.3 and 11.3. 


Please note on Friday 21 June at 8.00am we will have a Liturgy not the usual Mass. All are welcome as usual.

Year 7 Waterford Retreat

On Wednesday 5 June all Year 7 students participated in the Waterford Retreat. Students were engaged in many activities centred around the Four Touchstones. Gospel Spirituality, Liberating  Education, Inclusive Community and  Justice and Solidarity. 


These Touchstones   are a measure of our authenticity as and Edmund Rice School, Year 11 Peer mentors joined the students between Recess and Lunch to share their understanding of the meaning of these Touchstones, and stayed to help the students in making creative works which demonstrated what they had learnt.


The day drew to a close with a Liturgy in the Chapel where all the key messages of the day were celebrated in word, symbols and song. Thanks must go to Ms Gemma Wooltorton  and Mr Anthony Byrne who planned and co-oordinated the day.


Following are scripts  written by the boys describing their work:



I chose to colour the Celtic Cross as a symbol of Gospel Spirituality. The Celtic Cross is a symbol of Ireland, the home of Edmund Rice, and the colours I have chosen are blue and green, the colours of Trinity College.



I have designed a bookmark to show the Touchstone Justice and Solidarity. The hand represents the whole community and the shards represent the many different nationalities within our community. The river represents the community flowing outward to bring justice to the world.



My candle is called Bob and it represents Liberating Education because Bob is a builder who builds homes for the poor and teaches people how to make houses for people in need so they can provide for others who do not have a roof over their heads

KAIROS #67 Applications Now Open

Kairos #67 will run from Sunday 14 – Wednesday 17 July.


Applications are now open.  This is the final opportunity for Year 12 students to attend this special retreat. Applications can be collected from and returned to Campus Ministry.


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