Enrolment Information

Fyans Park PS Enrolment Management Plan 

I would like to inform our parent community that we have been advised by our Regional DET office to ensure our school's enrolment remains within the school's capacity. 


In order to do this, we are implementing enrolment practices and managing enrolments in accordance with the priority order in the Placement Policy, so that capacity is not further exceeded.


The priority order is as follows for Fyans Park PS:

  1.   Students who permanently reside in the school's neighbourhood zone
  2.   Students with a sibling at the same permanent address who are attending        school at the same time. 

Consistent implementation of our Enrolment Management Plan, approved by the region,  will support us to effectively manage future enrolments so that we remain close to our capacity. 


Soon we will be hosting school tours for students entering Foundation in 2025.  I am very proud of how our school leaders are able to share all of the wonderful things that make Fyans Park so special and a great place to learn. Please see our website for dates.


If you have any questions regarding the placement policy, please don’t hesitate to contact me at the school office on 5221 3772.  Our school website has also been updated to reflect these changes and can be found at:  http://fyansparkps.vic.edu.au/how-to-enrol/