Learning In My Level
A celebration of what's happening across the school!
Learning In My Level
A celebration of what's happening across the school!
We started the term with a big BANG! In our first week we participated in the Cross County at our school and boy did the Level 1 students have lots of energy!!
In the same week we had a Building and Construction Incursion. The children did an amazing job at learning how to construction a multi-storey building made of plastic cups and a bridge made from icy pole sticks!
The students celebrated Education Week, where we invited parents and friends for an open afternoon. This was well received by all and it gave the students an opportunity to show their newly created theme park rides which the students had created during STEM sessions.
We celebrated Reconciliation Week and Sorry Day and did a variety of activities to learn about the history and culture of the First Nations people.
Here are some pictures of us learning in the classroom!
Talk Time
The classes in Level 1 have learnt lots of different skills from their classmates.
Rishaan taught his class how to make a Chatterbox! Shanese taught her class to make a delicious milk drink!
Ryan taught his class how to make a paper mask! Eloise made a cup of tea for Mrs Robertson!
We participated in a five-day swimming program where we had the opportunity to upskill our swimming abilities.
We’ve caught up with our Buddies and participated in a variety of activities including ‘Cup Cake’ design, which tied in nicely with the whole school fundraising cupcake stall.
We thoroughly enjoyed the Cyber Safety incursion where we learnt about ‘Digital Wellbeing’. We practiced being ‘Active’ as dancing is a great activity to do when we need a break from using our iPads.
We are very much looking forward to another productive and exciting time in Semester 2!
Level 2 has had a fantastic Term 2 with many different rich learning experiences. Students have enjoyed our Building and Construction incursion, Cross Country, Swimming, Cupcake Day, Mother’s Day Stall and Open Afternoon just to name a few.
During Reading sessions, we have been learning how to make inferences and have been practicing the skill to be able to understand and comprehend texts to a deeper level. Students have been working on maintaining their reading stamina and understand the importance of picking ‘Just Right’ books.
We have continued to incorporate explicit phonics teaching into our Literacy program. Students use decodable readers, whiteboards, Reading Eggs, finger spelling and syllabification to learn about the weekly sound.
We have had a couple of exciting weeks of Talk Time where students have been confidently practicing their speaking skills to share about what they did on the holidays, exploring what future transport might look like and teaching how to do an activity.
For our Inquiry topic ‘Make It Move’ we started off Term 2 with an incursion from Hands on Science. During this workshop student developed an understanding and appreciation of basic engineering concepts. Students explored the properties of different materials and look at the building strength of different shapes. Students where then able to use this knowledge that they learnt to help build a Theme Park ride.
We would like to give a massive ‘Thank-you’ to all the parents that have volunteered in the classroom this term, you have been a huge help and are greatly appreciated.
Level 2 Team