School Advisory Council

SAC Meeting Summary - Wednesday 12th June    

As usual a very busy term and a lot of events, training, and programs. As a summary re staff, we are very happy to have Ryan back next term! Vicki Stirling and Jane Byrne will be missed for the next term. 

Rotary Sorrento kindly allowed some students to experience a Symphony as part of their Music Enrichment Program. 

There is now a Parish Pastoral Council which aims to engage the community. If anyone wants to be involved, be it a parent or grandparent please reach out to Monica.

Vicky Stirling explained in detail the Literacy Program that is now running at St Joseph’s which is unique to our school. It is now running through every year level. The Year 3/4 are learning a new spelling program called Spell Ex as part of the Multi Lit program that has had incredible results. The standardised program means all teachers have the same teaching structure and it provides a clear evidence base for teachers to match specific needs. The program aims to help every student reach their best potential. It builds vocabulary and comprehension skills and the combination of language comprehension and word recognition leads to skilled readers. Grammar is taught in the context of writing. Children also get used to a routine, that is very predictable with a lot of checkpoints and it helps students through independent practice.

The wall is now finished minus some little touches and just waiting on council to allow access.

Lunchtime organised sport competitions and Talent Quest have been very successful and have had a very positive outcome fo the students.

All the events held by the school were discussed as well as suggestions in several areas were discussed.

Once more if anyone wants more information, please contact me.


Kindest regards,

Adriana Rios