For Your Calendar 


Wednesday 26        - Winter Lightning Premiership Year 5/6

Thursday 27             - Feast of the Sacred Heart Mass 9:15am

Friday 28                   - Last day of Term Two



Monday 15              - Term Three commences

Tuesday 23              - First Eucharist Family Night

Wednesday 24        - Parent/Teacher/Student Learning Conferences 3:30 - 5:30pm

Friday 26                  - Grandparents & Special Friends Day and 5/6 Swim Program Begins

Saturday 27             - Sacrament of First Eucharist

Monday 29              -  100 Days of Prep 

Tuesday 30              - Parent/Teacher/Student Learning Conferences 3:30 - 5:30pm



Monday 5                 - St Joey's Olympics and Multi-Cultural Day

Monday 19               - School Closure Day