An Engaged Learning Community

Prep Learning Space

Another term has flown by and our learning has flown too! We have learnt 20 letters and sounds. Did you know we have 5 vowel letters in our alphabet?  These are, a e i o u. Every word has at least one vowel sound. We are just beginning to learn that sometimes though a vowel sound can be made by the letter ‘y’. We have a little bit more to learn about sneaky letter ‘y’!  The letters we have learnt about and their characters are... 

We think our Tricky tree has its seasons mixed up because instead of losing leaves in autumn it grew them and is continuing to grow! Our Tricky word tree has so many words. Some words are orange and this means they are tricky because we can’t sound these letters out or we don't yet know the letter patterns in the word. The other words are green and these are our useful words. We can sound these words out or we have learnt the letter patterns that made them tricky!

We can read books with these words and write sentences too. We try really hard to sound out unknown words we want to write, and write the letters that we know for the sounds we hear. 

Next term we will visit our old Kinder teachers at Sorrento Kindergarten and the kinder kids. We are looking forward to reading our decodable books to them and show off our amazing reading skills.

In Prep we are always talking! That’s because we learn through talking to each other and listening. We also uses these speaking and listening skills to deepen our knowledge of new and different ideas or topics. We read many books together in prep where we listen, learn new words to use in our conversations and build our understanding of what is happening in the story. Everyday after lunch we have ‘Prep Buddy reading’. In Buddy reading we sit elbow to elbow, knee to knee, the book goes in the middle, so we both can see! We each read a book and at the end we ask some questions about the book to our partners. We help each other if we get ‘stuck’ on a word and always say ’good job’ at the end.

Visiting the Eagle at Arthurs Sea

On Friday 17th June we visited Arthurs Seat and rode The Eagle as part of our Faith Based Inquiry (FBI) unit. Did you know that the Original chair lift was built in Arthurs Seat State Park in 1960?

​​The chairlift ascending the hill of Arthurs Seat was opened in 1960 by Dr Vladimir Hayek and the State Park’s popularity grew. The chairlift was closed in 2006 and the infrastructure dismantled in late 2012 and early 2013. Work began on constructing the Arthurs Seat Eagle in October 2015 and was finished in September 2016. The lift officially opened on 3 December 2016. We loved visiting this significant landmark in our backyard and learning more about it with our fantastic tour guides.


Our Highlights this semester...

Raffy - Investigations: making collage creations with boxes and drawing.

Ned - Going to the Eagle and learning letters.

Hugo - Learning about Bunji, shapes and learning how to read!

Freddy - Learning about numbers in order and numbers before and after.

Curtis - Learning with the iPads using Reading Eggs.

Billy - Learning about letters and writing them and words also playing with my friends.

Bowie - Lots of things! Playing footy on top oval with my friends, making a volcano with Mrs Barber, Library and Art and reading Tricky words and writing!

Storm - Counting numbers and Investigations.

Lucy - Learning at Arthurs Seat on the Eagle. I loved going high up in the sky!

Bodie - Learning Tricky words.

Olive - Learning how to write words.

Jack - Sounding out words and learning new letters.

Evie - Learning about the Eagle and sharing my learning with my mum at school.

Amelie - Learning with my friends all of our sounds and letters.

Marc - Learning my sounds and letters.

Luka - Learning about letters to make words.

Ryda - Learning Tricky words and new sounds and sounding out words.

Lucky - Learning to use the dice to add numbers and all the games.

Abby - Making new friends, learning new letters and learning how to write.

Savannah -  Learning number pairs of 5 and 10.

Chelsea - Positive Primers especially the 'Pass the Clap' and beating our time.

Obie - Learning about letters like 'Maggie Mouse'.

Van - Making words with sounds, making friends and going on the Eagle.

Noah - Learning new sounds and letters to make words

Darcy - Being in Mrs Inglese's group on our excursion to the Eagle.

Next term we will celebrate 100 days of Prep - we can't wait! An Operoo will be sent with more information about this special day, add July 29 to your calendars!