Go Slow Mornings

Go Slow Mornings 

We recognise our Musical Week is a busy one for everybody and encourage you to have some slow mornings following our evening performances. Even if your child doesn't sleep in, they are likely to be tired and wherever possible we would ask you to keep your child at home until recess time on the Wednesady, Thursday and Friday of Week 10.


We ask  you to please choose to have your child at school either on time for our usual 8.45am start or at the end of recess (11.20am)


If you choose the “go slow” option for your child, please record a future absence using the reason ‘Musical Go Slow’ via the Sentral Parent Portal or App or contact our Front Office. We ask that you please choose one of these times and do not bring your child to school at any other time on these mornings as it is disruptive to our classes. If any students arrive between 8.45am and 11.20am, they will be recorded as 'late'. (Those arriving at 11.20am will not have a 'late' recorded against their name as they will be arriving at the prearranged time.)