Learning & 


Susanne Jackson

Vice Principal- Learning & Teaching

Time to Celebrate Our Learning!

Reports being shared next week

Next Monday you will be receiving your child’s semester report. This is a time to celebrate all of the amazing learning your child has been engaged in and to learn about the goals they will be working towards next semester. Your child's report will be shared via our nForma Parent Portal. Instructions on how to access the nForma Parent Portal will be sent out this week via Operoo. Once you have followed the instructions, you will have access to your child’s previous reports and will be able to view your child’s Semester One, 2024 report as of Monday, June 24th.


Learning Conferences

A reminder that next week on Tuesday and Wednesday we will also be sharing your child’s progress in our learning conferences. Please ensure you have booked a time to meet with your child’s teacher via the link below or scan the code




We look forward to sharing your child’s learning journey so far in 2024.

Home Learning Portal!

Don't forget to keep practising learning over the holiday break to avoid loss of learning. For ideas go to your child's Home Learning page below. Please click on the link below to visit your child’s Home Leaning Page to stay up to date with their learning.