Grade 5 News

Important Reminders
Friday, June 28th: Last Day Term 2 - 2.30 pm Finish
The homework week runs from Monday to Monday. During this time, students are required to:
* Read 4 nights and record their reading in their diary.
*Complete activities in Mathletics that equal, at least, 750 points.
Please see your child's teacher if you have any homework questions.
Learning in Action
Over this past fortnight students in Grade 5, have been busy working on completing their persuasive writing pieces. Students have been using statistics and quoted and reported speech to help support their argument and convince the reader. Students have also added some qualitiative and quantatative data images to their published work to help further convince the reader. Some of the topics chosen include:
- Weekends should be 3 days long
- Everyone should own a pet
- Everyone should have their own Chromebook
Here are some snippets of students work:
George C (5M)- Introduction for his topic of why everyone should own a dog.
Imagine this: you're sitting in your car ready to get back home from school. You had a bad day at school because everyone made fun of you when you fell over. You feel miserable and like nothing can cheer you up. You lazily unlock the front door and a ball of affection and kindness charges towards you at top speed. You immediately feel better and start petting your dog. This is a reality for so many people around the world where having a dog benefits them in so many ways. Today I will walk you through the wonderful world of dog owning and how it makes so many people's lives better.
Amy M (5M) - First reason why everyone should have their own Chromebook.
Firstly students can take them home and do more work on it. You can also show your parents all the work you have done. If students have other projects they have to finish they can do it at home as well. If you want your parents to check and correct your work they can. Also if you have any siblings you can do other work with them or you can do this with a friend. 90% of 5M agrees that all students should have their own chromebook, as shown in the graph.
Preview for Learning: Next term students will begin their unit of Poetry. Students will be exploring poetry devices such as alliteration, rhyming couplets, visualisation and similies. Throughout Term 3, students will be creating their own Poetry Anthology, including free verse and shape poems they create.
Over the past fortnight, students in Grade 5 have been finishing their unit of division. Throughout this unit, students worked through multiple goals such as connecting division to arrays, using exploding dots and the standard algorithm, to dividing by the power of 10. Students have worked hard to show their knowledge by completing ‘prove it’ sheets to show their understanding of multiple goals. Throughout this week, students have been revising previously taught concepts such as area, perimeter and time.
Students have also been looking at the mass of different objects. Over this week students have measured the mass of a range of different objects in the classroom, noting down how much each object weighed in kilograms and grams.
Preview for Learning:
During Term 3, students will begin their unit on Fractions. Throughout this unit students will explore ordering fractions, converting fractions from improper to proper fractions and understanding fractions of a collection to name a few. Grade 5 students will also be looking at mapping, by creating their own maps including the correct coordinates.
Celebration Morning:
This week we held our celebration morning to showcase all the wonderful work students have been doing across the school. In Grade 5, students were able to show off their information reports and creative dioramas depicting their chosen natural disaster. See some examples below.
Throughout this term Grade 5 students have thrived when becoming role models for their Prep buddies. They’ve enjoyed building strong connections with their buddies by completing activities together fortnightly on a Friday afternoon. During our last buddies session, Grade 5 students practised their reading fluency skills by reading a picture story book to their buddy and then completing an activity about what happened at the beginning, middle and end of the story! We look forward to more buddies sessions in Term 3!
On behalf of the Grade 5 teachers, we wish you all a wonderful holiday break and look forward to updating you about our learning next term!
From the Grade 5 Teachers
Karin Halstead, Ebony Waldron, Chloe McElroy and Zahra Harvey
Exciting times ahead in STEM!
We are thrilled to share some exciting updates about our STEM program! As we continue to inspire and empower our students to explore the wonders of these vital fields, we are reaching out to our wonderful community for support.
Your generosity has always been instrumental in helping us provide enriching educational experiences for our students, and we are once again asking for your support to ensure the success and sustainability of our STEM initiatives.
Your support makes a significant difference to our students' learning opportunities and the success of our STEM program. We are desperately in need of parents/friends to join our Construction Crew. If you're handy with tools and have some basic experience in woodwork or mechanics, we would be delighted to have your help in the upcoming terms to assist with our Grade 6 Science and Engineering program. Please email or
Here are some other ways you can contribute:
Opportunities to help:
- Donations of Timber/Wood, appropriate for construction E.g. Billy Cart bases or other small vehicles.
- If you own or are a part of a company or business who would be willing to sponsor our engineering program.
- If you have connections with hardware stores/companies, help us to make contact to obtain suitable engineering resources.
- If you have any household STEM-related materials such as; plastic bottles, milk bottle lids, masking tape, balloons, wooden skewers, plastic or paper cups, unwanted CD’s or DVD’s, Aluminum Foil please drop them off outside the STEM room.
Thank you for your continued support,
Melissa Adams & Sophie Chamberlain
STEM Leaders