Year 2 Spotlight


This term Year 2 students explored writing persuasive texts and were creative in their arguments and justifications. Here are some of their texts:


Spelling & Syntax

Within our syntax lessons, we explored using the conjunctions ‘when’ ‘if’ ‘after’ and ‘before’ to expand simple sentences. Within our spelling lessons through SoundWaves, we learnt about long vowel sounds such as ‘igh’ and the /n/ sound such as ‘nk’ and ‘ng’, as well as homophones and contractions. It has been amazing to see the spelling progression in student writing. 



This term we learnt several vocabulary words, connecting to our unit which encompasses ‘History Then and Now’, cultures, traditions, including Indigenous culture and history. Students explored the meaning of words such as ‘beliefs’, ‘tradition’, ‘ancestors’, ‘immigration’ and ‘refugee’. These words brought out rich discussions within our classrooms, as students shared where their great grandparents are from, or possibly even shared that their own grandparents immigrated to Australia. 


When learning about these words through shared readings and explicit instruction, we make connections between their literal and figurative meanings, and then practise writing them correctly in sentences. 


This term in Maths, our focus was on subtraction, time, and continuing to explore Challenging Tasks. 


Students complete a challenging task twice a fortnight. The task for last week was the 'Cubby House' where students were challenged about their understanding of partitioning. 


Challenge Question

Here are some comments on the task from 2B

  • ‘I needed to do some thinking and counting.’ ~ Maddie
  • ‘I had to check the other side of the sheet to make sure that I didn’t double up.’ ~ Luke
  • ‘I was using turn-around facts.’ ~ Sylvie
By Maddie
By Isla
By Alexa
By Teddy
By Maddie
By Isla
By Alexa
By Teddy



This term the Year 2s focused on building their historical knowledge by examining changes in technology with an emphasis on changes in the home, and toys. They also explored traditional toys and games used by First Nations children such as the leaf game.


The students had an entertaining and hands-on ‘Toys From The Past' Incursion on Tuesday 4 June to complete their studies on ‘Then and Now’ history inquiry unit.


Student Reflections of the Toys Over Time Incursion

The toy incursion was really fun. Beyblades was one of my favourite toys. One Beyblade was like a car had but it lost one of its parts, but it was fun to play with too. There were hot wheels, bowling pins and a bowling ball, and stilts. We heard about Gameboys, and did you know that matchbox cars were invented because teachers put in a rule?

~ By Liam, 2B


Today I went to a Toy Incursion. The people running the incursion were Emma and Liam. We worked in groups. My group started at the Imagination Station. I played with this thing where you spin a circle and you put your eyes on an eyespot and there were space pictures.


On the Skill Station there was a slinky and some stairs to roll it. And on the Construction Station, I played with Hot Wheels and Luke made this really cool thing where you pushed an orange square thing, and a car, and the car goes so far!

~ By Maggie, 2B


We went on an Incursion for toys that had changed in time. There were two teachers who taught me and the other grade twos. We got into groups and went from one table to another. On the table were the toys to play with.

~ By Luella, 2D


At FPS we went on an incursion about toys over time. We saw dolls, cars, and Slinkys. My favourite part was the dolls because you could dress them up. I learnt about frisbees and cars. Overall, the incursion was ssssoooo fun!

~ By Hazel, 2D


Toys Overtime Incursion was on 4th June 2024, sessions five and six. I learned that wooden toys are the oldest toys. I also learnt that the spinning tops are one of the oldest toys. Spinning tops used to be made of clay.


In the box of Potato Heads there were just the parts to decorate it, and the parents had to supply the potato.

~ By Scout, 2C


In the morning we went to the gym for an incursion about old toys. The first thing we did was sit on the floor and talk about old toys, then we did the groups.

Lucas, Poppy and Audrey were the captains of the groups and I was in Poppy’s group. The first activity we did was the Skill Activity. I solved the rubix cube and then Finn and I played with the Slinkys.


 Next we did the push/pull activities. It was incredible and fun. We got to do hula hoops. The last activity we got to do was dress-ups and I loved that so much because I made up stories.

~ By Raph, 2A


On Tuesday my class and I went to the gym and looked at toys from the olden days and compared them to now. My favourite was the Lego because I had a challenge with Nicholas, and Hazel helped me and we won. I had one of the olden toys called a Furbie and I still have it.

~ By Charlotte 2A

He-Man & friends
He-Man & friends


~ Year 2 Teachers (Michele, Elise, Sarah & Kelly) and Students