School Reports

Student School Reports

On the last Wednesday of term, you will be able to access your child’s semester one report. Reports are available to view and download from Compass.


At FPS, we report against the Victorian Curriculum and student achievement is placed on a learning continuum in each curriculum area, based on the data that is collected over the semester. Various assessment tools are used to determine student achievement such as PAT maths and reading, Essential Assessment (maths), Little Learners Love Literacy reading assessments, Maths Online Interview and writing moderation.


Schools show the ‘expected level’ for each curriculum area. We know that every student learns at different rates and if the next progression point has not been made, it does not indicate no growth. It just means that the amount of growth made has not been enough to meet the next progression point. Student reports do not show the little steps of growth in between each progression point.


When you open your child’s report, you will notice yellow highlighted areas and black dots.

  • The yellow highlighted area indicates the expected range that students of that year level are working in.
  • The dots indicate the progression point that your child has demonstrated in that curriculum area.
  • In instances where there was insufficient data for the teacher to determine a progress point, the following will be used: Did Not Participate - Low Participation.


Parent Teacher Interviews

Parent Teacher interviews are scheduled for the fourth week of next term. These interviews are an opportunity to discuss your child/rens report with their teacher. The interviews will run across three afternoons and families can attend either in-person OR online.

  • Tuesday 6 August: 3:45 – 4:45pm (in-person interviews at FPS)
  • Wednesday 7 August: 3:45 – 4:45pm (in-person interviews at FPS)
  • Thursday 8 August: 1:45 – 4:45pm (online interviews via WebEx)

More information will be provided at the start of next term.


~ Nicole Rettke, Assistant Principal