Tomorrow's Leaders for Sustainability

This term, a group of students from years 3-6 have been taking part in the Tomorrow's Leaders for Sustainability (TLfS) program.
Tomorrow’s Leaders for Sustainability (TLfS) is an award-winning program where Alex, a qualified facilitator from the Port Phillip EcoCentre has worked with SKiPPS students for one session each week, supporting the development of leadership skills and environmental knowledge.
During these weekly sessions the students have learnt about biodiversity and habitats and this has culminated today with a full day spent with Alex at the Yalukit Willam Reserve in Elsternwick.
During the day the group completed a range of activities to understand the biodiversity of the reserve including;
- netting for waterbugs and finding frogs
- bird-watching
- propagating and planting native plants
- touring the nest boxes
The day was a huge success and we are really proud of the passion, knowledge and commitment of the students who participated and look forward to seeing how they take their learning forward to be future champions and advocates for the environment and sustainability.
A huge thank you to Allison Shanahan for co-ordinating this program and providing this wonderful learning opportunity for our students.
Thank you to Yuki and Inbal who attended this event as parent volunteers.