A message from the Principal

As you would know, basketball plays a pretty big role at St Kilda Park.
Our parent-run basketball teams have been a great feature of our school for many years and offer a great, low-pressure way for our students to learn skills, sporting behaviours and the excitement of participating in team sport. They also offer a great way for families to connect and work together as their children go through their time at SKiPPS.
Whilst we love this part of our school, I want to take a moment to emphasise the importance of good sporting conduct both on and off the court for both the students playing and the parents watching, coaching and managing. At St Kilda Park Primary School, we believe that, first and foremost, sporting events for children (including Playball basketball) should be enjoyable and a positive learning experience for all involved.
Sadly, from time to time, we are made aware of incidents that fall short of this ideal.
Our 'Out of Hours Sports Policy' outlines the expectations we have for everyone involved in basketball, whether as a player, spectator, manager, coach, or scorer. This policy reflects our commitment to fostering a supportive and respectful environment where every participant feels valued and safe. I ask that all families involved in basketball takes the time to read the policy in detail on the link below.
It's crucial to remember that, as parents and carers, your behaviour at these events represents our school and sets a powerful example for our students, who are actively learning sporting values and teamwork. Encouraging young people to enjoy sports and have fun is paramount; it teaches them resilience, cooperation, and how to gracefully navigate both victories and setbacks.
To ensure that we remember and uphold these standards, our dedicated basketball coordinator, Nick Roux, will be reaching out to all basketball teams and parents soon.
If you wish to discuss anything further, please don't hesitate to contact Nick or myself.
Let's work together to make our students' involvement in Playball basketball memorable for all the right reasons.
Thank you for your continued support and commitment to our school community.
Neil Scott