Principal's Message 

School Flags can be booked via the school office. It is anticipated and promoted that school flags will be borrowed for school holiday periods, weekends, public holidays, or times during an 'Alternate Education Program.'

 28th of June

The 2024 news from TCPS....

Gratitude at TCPS

Our mid-year Student Led Conferences were predominantly held on Tuesday and it is with great gratitude that staff have the opportunity to participate in the celebration of student learning with their students and their parents.


Historically it has been a really positive experience for our students and particularly our staff – who collectively celebrate the many achievements of your children throughout the semester. Staff always speak so glowingly about how supportive, receptive and positive parents are in their feedback during this event.


Your children also gain many benefits from willingly accepting responsibility for their learning and having the opportunity to share and celebrate that with you as parents. This unique opportunity helps to develop their leadership, communication, confidence, and sense of responsibility abilities.


Often we collectively, as a staff, express great gratitude in the opportunity we have in sharing your child’s learning journey, and particularly at the very unique and special environment that is Torquay Coast Primary School.


Thank you for attending these conferences and for sharing such global overwhelming positivity with the staff. It is without doubt just reward for the special people they are.

Another term comes to an end, and a half year that has so much more resembles the normality we once took for granted. We still have a little way to go but progress has definitely been noted. 


End of Term 2/Semester 1

I would like to wish all families a safe and happy break with their children, finding warmth from the winter whenever and wherever possible. 


I would also like to personally thank our amazing staff for not only their professional dedication (particularly with report writing, and the SL conferences AND managing their own, and the health of their students), but that extra care and love they put into each and every one of our students that truly make them unique and special educators. I’m sure staff and students will enjoy their hard earned break after an 11 week term. I look forward to seeing all staff and students returning SAFELY and revitalised for term 3, Semester 2.



Every 4 years a school undertakes a school review in order to produce a 4 year strategic plan. This process is led by an externally reviewer who considers current school data, and the feedback provided by parents, teachers, and students. It is through the consideration of this information that new goals can be identified in the areas of Student Achievement, Student Engagement, Student Well-being, and Productivity. TCPS recently completed our 4 year school review where the Strategic Plan for the next 4 years was developed. The key components of a School Review is to reflect on the previous Strategic Plan and to develop a new Strategic Plan in consideration of the school's performance. The data our school has achieved in the past 4 year was considered outstanding with the challenge then being to set aspirational targets against a data history that places TCPS in the top 5-10% schools in the state. As such our focus will be heavily slanted towards maintaining current achievement levels, whilst always reviewing and reflecting in order to find possible ways we can do even better. That is our challenge.


 To support our 2024-28 Strategic Plan we look to maintain our school vision and values, which were created explicitly for TCPS and that we use to support all our actions and practices.



Torquay Coast Primary School vision is to provide our students with a safe and supportive learning environment that motivates and challenges students, and that provides a comprehensive primary education for all students empowering them to reach their full academic, social, and physical potential. Through community connectedness, students will develop a love of learning allowing them to become self-motivated, curious, resilient and tolerant citizens. All teachers and support staff, work to provide a teaching pedagogy reflective of 21st Century designs including ICT rich environments and Personalised Learning, for all students.  Teachers and students will work collaboratively in Professional Learning Communities, to create adaptive teaching options to cater for the individual needs of all students. All teachers will commit to having shared responsibility for all students.



The following 'Pillars' (values) are central and vital to our school's beliefs and actions- Mindfulness- Acceptance- Respect- Strength of Character


TCPS School Uniform

Staff have noted some building creative changes to our uniform. We have started by addressing this at our school assembly - particularly in regards to 'make up and extravagant ear rings.' 


A comprehensive clarification of our uniform and acceptable 'accessories' can be found on our school webpage:


Please note that the uniform includes blue, royal blue and navy blue items (not black).


New School Fencing

The replacement and construction of new external fence is progressing rapidly. It is anticipated that this will be completed by September, with works to commence post council approval (which is the current step that is up to). 


As this is an external project and outside of school leadership management, I can only provide an anticipated timeline at this stage. I will keep our school community informed once I have received stronger confirmation.


Gratitude at TCPS

Thank you to our school community for the support we have received this semester. An individual thank you to all our students who led their learning conferences this week, in celebration of their learning.


Mark your Calendars!

Last week at assembly we commenced the building of excitement and anticipation for our very own TCPS Olympic Opening Ceremony. This will occur on Friday 26th July - 9am. It will be a Major Event that you will not want to miss!


2025 Prep Enrolments

Torquay Coast Primary School is currently processing enrolments for 2025 with 

41 children currently enrolled for grade prep in 2025. Our planning for staff and homegroups begins this term and is based on enrolment figures. This planning includes the recruitment and allocation of the necessary staffing, and the determination of student placement in our learning neighbourhoods (including their assignment to home groups.) 


Historically it is sibling enrolments that are the most belated. If you have a child who you wish to attend TCPS in 2025, it is important to collect and return the necessary enrolment forms to the school ASAP. Thank you to those families who have already done this.


Enrolment forms are available on our school website, from our administration office or by email request to


Please note that we are only able to accept enrolments from our Designated Neighbourhood Area (DNA). Map available on request. 

Please attach the following:

  • Birth Certificate 
  • Immunisation History Statement 

If you know of any other community member who may wish to enrol their child, please feel free to pass on this information. 


During Term 3 TCPS hopes to be in a position to determine room availability and staffing to cater for all students. Late enrolments have a significant impact on these requirements, potentially resulting in under - staffing and larger home groups than desired. 


Wishing everyone a safe weekend.


Darren Roskosch

TCPS Principal

General Information for ONGOING Reference



Dear Torquay Coast Primary,


We are writing to inform you of upcoming line marking and parking restrictions in Silvereye Street and Rosella Road, Torquay.


We are planning to install centre lines for the curves at the eastern ends of Silvereye Street and Rosella Road. Additionally, we will be installing No Stopping signs to restrict parking on one side of the road, as per attached.


Please refer to the attached plan for further information.


*Please note that this mailbox is unattended. If you wish to reply in writing please do so by lodge your request online or at  and referencing your Customer Request Number (CRM) to assist in the tracking of history of enquiries.


Kind regards, 


Holly Martin

Assets & Engineering Business Support Officer

Surf Coast Shire - Wadawurrung Country

Current TCPS Enrolment - 665

Whilst there has been some change since the start of the year, and it is difficult to predict further change, below are the current ratios for grades across the school. 

It is mandated that grades from Prep - 2 do not exceed the teacher/student ratio of 1:21.

TCPS P-2 ratio is 1:19

TCPS P-6 ratio is 1:21.3

6th May


Grade 1

Grade 2

Grade 3

Grade 4

Grade 5

Grade 6
































It will always be my aim to keep ratios as low as possible whilst still meeting the ration mandates. Staffing is influenced by two key factors: Staffing availability, and school funding. TCPS fortunately is able to provide extremely low ratios despite the potential impact of those factors. 


New Neighbourhood Development


We as a school are aware that there currently is prolific discussion in varying circles on the planned Assisted Housing Development being constructed within our school neighbourhood.


Whilst we understand and empathise that there will always be polarising opinions and views on a multiple of topics, our position as a school must be to work within the parameters of Department expectation and policy.


Whilst there was no external consultation or discussion with the school in terms of this development (nor any formal obligation to do so) we do understand the unrest it is causing for potentially a large portion of the community. The only information our school has obtained has been predominantly through local residents and school community members.


As such I felt obliged at the time, as soon as I was made aware, to contact our Regional Office to ensure they were also understanding of the events impacting our school community. Our school as such can only adopt a neutral position as we, as a school, have absolutely no jurisdiction on developments in the local neighbourhood. This includes our School Council.


Please note any formal consultation, discussion or planning involvement was not a required pre-requisite to this development. As such I am unable to provide our school community with any further information outside of what has already been provided to local residents. 


I would however encourage, as always, anyone seeking more information to take the time to identify the correct information sources, or undertake the opportunities that may be provided to obtain information that will ensure an informed understanding.


The school's priority will continue to always be that our environment is as safe as possible for our students, staff, and school community. 


Annual privacy reminder for our school community.

Our school collects and uses student and parent personal information for standard school functions or where permitted by law, as stated in the Schools’ Privacy Policy and the Schools’ Privacy Collection Notice.


Our policy - Please refer to our Media Agreement and Permission document on our COMPASS Portal. It describes how we collect and use photographs, video and recordings of students. The policy also explains when parent consent is required and how it can be provided and withdrawn. 


We ask parents to also review the guidance we provide on how we use [Microsoft 365/Google Workspace for Education] safely at the school and what parents can do to further protect their child’s information. If after reviewing the guidance, you have any questions or concerns regarding your child using [Microsoft 365/Google Workspace for Education], please contact the school.


TCPS ASSEMBLY: Friday 2.20pm

Our TCPS Assembly is a very important part of our week. It is an opportunity to proactively reinforce our school culture and expectations through the acknowledgement and celebration of our students and school. Love of Learning is a key Character Strength of focus, as is Gratitude.


The inclusion of photos and emails celebrating our school and students in and around our community is a key part of our assembly. Due to the substantial amount of time required to process all inclusions, internal and external, and then to build into our assembly's visual format, can I please request that all items are sent to me by Thursday prior to assembly. If these emails/photos are sent to the school office or your child's teacher - they will be forwarded to me accordingly.


Ideally, they can be sent directly to me via email


Elements that TCPS families can contribute to our TCPS Assembly

TCPS Goes Global: Take a school flag (we have 10) or a TCPS polo on your journeys around the globe and send us a photo (3 maximum). I will then feature this at our assembly and have a photo added to our display wall at the front office. Please contact the school office to book a flagIt is anticipated and promoted that school flags will be borrowed for school holiday periods, weekends, public holidays, or times during an 'Alternate Education Program.'

TCPS Super Stars: If you know a TCPS child/teacher/family member who has achieved something amazing in any field (not just sporting) please send me the details and a possible photo or 2 so that we can all celebrate and acknowledge the achievement.

TCPS: Shout Outs: If you have a special family member visiting for the first time who are in the audience - please let me know and I will give them a special TCPS 'Shout Out.'


Media Agreement - Parent Permission

Parents are provided the opportunity to have their children excluded from all media inclusions external to our school - eg. Newspaper articles. This is a respected parent choice. Unfortunately there is no allowance to be able to pick and choose participation after this decision has been made. Primarily this is due to our school being unable to resource the management required to allow for selective alterations. We will however be as sensitive as we possible can to children feeling left out of these opportunities. 


School Grounds Maintenance

Due to the gradual and progressive deterioration of the school fencing, the fencing panels will need to be replaced. Key panels will be progressively replaced by temporary fencing until such time a contractor can be engaged to replace the existing fence with something more sustainable.


Whilst the company responsible for the upkeep and maintenance of our school grounds and facilities were very apologetic, they were reassured that although there would be an aesthetic impact on the façade, it was what lay within our boundaries that was most important.


Early Pick up of Children from School

Can I please request that parents contact individual staff members as early as possible if you are collecting your child/ren prior to the end of the school day. This will help in organising for children to be sent to the office ready for collection. Based on the increasing frequency of these occurrences we are unable to use the PA system due to the distraction and disruption it causes to teaching and learning across the school. 

PA announcements occur in recess and lunch breaks.


As teachers do not have constant access to emails during the day, I encourage as much advanced notice as possible so we can do our best to have your child/ren ready and waiting for collection. Office staff will do their best to support you where possible, however with our increasing size there may be unfortunate delays especially if no advanced notice is provided.


Early Pick Up of Students

As we avoid disrupting learning through unnecessary PA announcements please know:

  • You are able to email the teacher the day prior with a pickup time so that they can arrange for your child to be at the office waiting for you at the desired time.
  • We are able to call your student over the PA during the times below as students are on recess and lunch.

11am – 11:20am

1:20pm – 2:10pm

Our teaching and learning hours are 9am – 3:10pm

  • Recess: 11am – 11:20am
  • Lunchtime: 1:20pm – 2:10pm
  • Dismissal time: 3:10pm

We know that sometimes these early departures are unavoidable and necessary. However early departures do have the potential ability to cause disruption to not only your child's learning, but the learning of others. 


Employing a Tutor

It is timely to provide TCPS feedback and guidance on the possible engagement of an independent tutor to support your child’s learning.  Please know that we respect a parent’s choice in engaging the services of an external tutor to work with your child outside of school, however, please know that this is a parental decision and responsibility. In making the decision to employ a tutor, we know that parents will be understanding of the potential short and long term cognitive and physical impacts increased academic workloads can have on their particular child. There is also the potential of possible disruption to school programs, including social connections, particularly if tutoring occurs during school time.


When selecting and engaging the services of a tutor it is recommended that the standard considerations be given to:

  • The educational background of the tutor
  • The tutor’s ability to plan and set a learning program through knowledge of the Victorian Curriculum
  • The tutor’s ability to plan and implement academic assessments and implement a learning program reflective of these assessments.

Our teachers are committed to support our students to the best of their abilities and time, within the confines of their roles as employees of the Department of Education. As such they are happy to converse with parents regarding student academic progress as part of our assessment and reporting program, and on request sharing an overview of the curriculum areas to be covered for the term. All educational programs at TCPS are reflective of both the Victorian Curriculum and the individual needs of their students. 


Please understand that it is not the professional responsibility of teaching staff to plan teaching programs for tutors. For professional reasons including the protection of student privacy, teachers are unable to converse with tutors directly about their students, share school documentation, nor meet with tutors personally. 


2024 School Council Members:

  • Kelsey Jamieson – President
  • Brad Millar – Vice President 
  • Belinda Vaughan - Parent Rep 
  • Kate Eddihausen Parent Rep 
  • Julie Roncon– Parent Rep 
  • Lisa Tout – Parent Rep 
  • Darren Roskosch (Principal - Executive Officer of SC)
  • Jo Loader (Assistant Principal – Teacher rep)
  • Bianca McSparron (Business Manager - Finance)