School News 


What a wonderful term it has been in Prep! It’s hard to comprehend that our little people have completed their first Semester of school. It is such a huge achievement and we are so proud of how every student has made such a positive transition to school. 


The past fortnight has been as busy as ever. The Prep students have loved learning and making 3D shapes in maths and we have enjoyed learning how to monitor and self-correct our reading. We have learnt about story graphs in writing and used our mentor text 'Possum Magic' to learning about sizzling starts, tricky situations and exciting endings. As part of our shared experience for our word of the week “zip”, we made ziplines and miniature versions of ourselves to send down the zipline. It was very fun. 


As we approach the school holidays, we would love for all our students to have a well-deserved rest. They have worked so hard and the holidays provides a much needed opportunity for them to slow down and just enjoy being kids. For those going on holidays, we hope your journeys are safe and memorable. 


The Prep Team

Allie Harrison, Kayla Hartrick, Elyce Munnecke and Laina Brebner

Grade 1 & 2

Let’s have a look back at our final week of Term 2.


The Fun Night / Sleep over was truly adventurous for the Grade 1 and 2 students with mini-beast creatures big and small, giant games, creative badges to keep, our personal ice-cream van and delicious pizza. The Grade 2 students enjoyed an exciting movie with popcorn and their first camp with school. We hope you enjoy some snaps of our night. 


In Maths, we have been looking closely at worded questions, breaking them down and identifying what we are being asked to do and using our Maths resources to solve the problem. 


In Reading and Writing we have been celebrating our learning so far. We looked back at all the books we have read as a class for the Victorian Reading Challenge and we gave a book review. In Writing, we had some free choice writing, showcasing our learnt skills from the term. 


We cannot believe how quick the year has gone, the end of one of the busiest Terms. We hope you all have a restful and safe holiday, and we look forward to seeing you all in Term 3. 



The Level 1/2 Team

Llinos Poole, Sally Newton, Tim Huntington, Emma Wright and Veronica Paps

Grade 3 & 4


Term 2 in Level 3/4 has been busy, productive, tiring, but oh, so much fun!


Camp (as the last newsletter edition reported) was 'AWESOME', but we did manage to collect a few tiny germs along the way. Students really enjoyed taking on responsibility for themselves - organising their belongings, cabins, and each other, working together to do it all! The amount of cooperation and collaboration between all students was so lovely to see. 

Students were also lucky enough to visit the Quantum Lab - which was another very busy, exhausting day but full of so much learning.

In Reading (and Writing), the 3/4 students are in the finishing stages of filming and presenting iMovie trailers after learning about illustration perspectives, shots and camera angles, and how they are used to communicate and add to the understanding of the reader or the audience. Ask your child about the different 'shots' about which they're now experts!

Undiscovered acting, directing and filming talent is an understatement :D 


Wishing all of our 3/4 families a very restful and healthy holiday break - we look forward to seeing you all again, rearing for Term 3!!


The Level 3/4 Team

Hayley Peirce, Sarah Jones, Damien Smith, Renée Barnden & Brent Smith

Grade 5 & 6

It has been a very busy (and cold) fortnight to end Term 2! We are sure that the Level 5/6 students are looking forward to a well-deserved break to rest, relax and recharge amidst this cold Winter weather! 


In Reading, Level 5/6 students have been exploring texts by Paul Jennings. They have learned to locate language used to depict narrative perspective, setting, character mood, character traits, tone and problem. Furthermore, students have been examining different viewpoints on significant events and speeches in the past that have changed the way Australians view the nations history. They have examined The Redfern Speech by Paul Keating and The National Apology by Kevin Rudd and completed activities to understand perspective, language influence, different viewpoints, and similarities and differences - tying in with NAIDOC Week which falls within the school holidays this year (Sunday 7th July 2024 - Sun 14th July 2024).


In Writing, Level 5/6 students have been following the writing process to develop a creative short story. They have learned to plan for success: utilising a narrative story graph, focus on developing a sizzling start to engage their audience, tighten tension: utilising the pebble, rock and boulder technique and include dynamic dialogue. Following their development of a narrative short story, Level 5/6 students learned to identify the features of informative writing and followed the writing process to develop an informative writing piece. They have learned to identify an informative topic, research this topic, plan a sizzling start, include three informative facts, plan an ending with impact and to follow the writing process while developing their piece of writing.


In Mathematics, Level 5/6 students have been learning about time and timetables. They have considered the difference in time between countries around the world and completed a trip planner task. They have learned how to convert between 12-hour and 24-hour time, seconds, minutes, hours, solve word problems and calculate elapsed time. Furthermore, students have been learning about chance. They have learned to list the outcomes of chance experiments and present probabilities of chance outcomes from 0 to 1. Level 5/6 students have conducted chance experiments and explained the results through playing chance games.


In Inquiry, Level 5/6 students have been exploring global differences. They have considered differences in cost of living and considered differences between high income countries and low income countries. Within groups, students have chosen a country within North America or Europe and they have been developing an itinerary for a potential travel expedition. They have considered the benefits of exploring their country and presented this information in their groups chosen manner.


In Science, Level 5/6 students have continued exploring Physical Sciences. They have been developing their own games within small groups of 2-3 by creating circuits and utilising LED lights, Laser Modules, reflective materials (like DVD discs) and recycled goods. Students have been demonstrating great creativity while developing these games and the end results are something they should be very proud of! We have seen an array of mazes, interactive target games and 'solve the mystery' games - just to name a few!


Level 5/6 District Winter Sports Day was held on Friday 21st June. Level 5/6 students braved the Winter chill to participate in sports including: Netball, T-Ball, AFL and Soccer. They showed great sportsmanship and upheld our school values of Respect, Honesty, Pride and Support while participating against schools including: Montrose Primary School, St Patrick's Primary School, St Mary's Primary School, Ruskin Park Primary School and Mt Evelyn Primary School. Rolling Hills Primary School had a very successful day with the following results: Netball Girls - 1st Place, Netball Mixed - 1st Place, AFL - 2nd Place, Soccer - 6th Place and T-Ball - 6th Place. We would like to say a very big thank you to our parent helpers who offered support on the day. We would also like to thank those parents/carers who came along to watch in support on the day.


Mrs Oakley will still be with 5/6O for the first four weeks of Term 3. She will be beginning parental leave from Monday 12th August. We are looking forward to welcoming Mrs Boyle back from her parental leave. She will be joining the Level 5/6 Team from the beginning of Week 5, Term 3 and will be teaching 5/6O on Wednesdays, Thursdays and Fridays. We are very excited to have Mrs Boyle back and wish Mrs Oakley all the best as she transitions towards parental leave!

Science games developed by Level 5/6.
Science games developed by Level 5/6.
Science games developed by Level 5/6.
Science games developed by Level 5/6.
Science games developed by Level 5/6.
Science games developed by Level 5/6.
Science games developed by Level 5/6.
Science games developed by Level 5/6.
Science games developed by Level 5/6.
Science games developed by Level 5/6.
Science games developed by Level 5/6.
Science games developed by Level 5/6.
Science games developed by Level 5/6.
Science games developed by Level 5/6.
Science games developed by Level 5/6.
Science games developed by Level 5/6.
Science games developed by Level 5/6.
Science games developed by Level 5/6.


The Level 5/6 Team

Megan Pepprell, Alarna Creed, Sam Younes, Mykaela Oakley, Brendan Van Haaster, and Ashleigh Wilson.