Stage 3 Excursion to Canberra

From June 17 to June 19, 100 Stage 3 students and 6 teachers attended an Excursion to Canberra. It was a very busy 3 days exploring Canberra and visiting many places such as Parliament House, Old Parliament House, The War Memorial, The Mint, The National Museum of Australia, The Australian Institute of Sport, CSIRO and Questacon. The mornings and nights were very chilly, but we had comfortable cabins and excellent food to keep us warm. Although we enjoyed spending time with our friends, we were also happy to see our families again and thank them for letting us participate in such a wonderful experience.


I loved Questacon because I was able to explore different types of planets. I also really enjoyed the Mint because I was able to learn how the coins were manufactured and how many coins are made every day. Maggie 6R


During the 3 three days of camp I enjoyed Questacon the most because of the fun activities I experienced. For example, the 7m free fall. I got to go down. I also enjoyed the time I got to spend with my friends and teachers. Rihanna 6R


I liked Questscon the most because I was able explore fun, interesting and exciting experiences. I was even brave enough to do the free fall! Everything at Questacon was really exciting, amazing and fun. I also liked the cabins because I spent quality time with my friends. Emily 6R


What I loved about Stage 3 camp was the War Memorial and how we got to respect the soldiers who fought bravely and served our country. I also loved the Mint and how we saw all the cool old notes and coins. Stage 3 camp was the best school camp ever! Kiara 6R


My favourite part of camp was visiting the CSIRO because I got to learn about a lot of interesting things. Malak 5L


My favourite part of camp was when we visited Questacon because we got to see scientific experiments and visit interesting displays. Evelyn 5L


My favourite part of camp was spending time with my friends in the cabins. We had a lot of fun! Emilia 5L


My favourite part of camp was when we visited Questacon because we saw Mrs McCammond do the free fall. She was very brave. Rachael 5L


My favourite part of camp was when we visited Questacon. The interactive activities were interesting and fun. Cynthia 5L


My favourite part was the sleeping arrangements because we spent a long time talking and interacting with each other which also helped us not to miss our own families. Edward 5N


My favourite part was when I met the chef's little daughter and when Mrs McCammond collected her chocolate tax. Olivia 5N


My favourite part was when we went to Questacon and I went on the free fall. 

Madeleine 5N


My favourite part was when we went to the Old Parliament House because the quizzes were extremely fun to do. Dylan 5N


My favourite part was when we went to Australian Institute of Sport and saw athletes training. Vi An 5N 


My favourite part was when we went to The War Memorial because it was really educational and we learnt a lot about soldiers. Amy 5N 


My favourite part was when we went to The Parliament House and I was the Prime Minister while we did a role play. Hilary 5N


My favourite part was when I got to experience the Australian Institute of Sport and tried all the different sports activities. Siena 5N 


My favourite part was when we ate the delicious food at the cafeteria. Robert 5N 


My favourite part was everything that we did because all was fun and educational. 

Leona 5N 


My favourite part was when we went to Questacon because it was fun and we played educational games. Amelia 5N