Learning Through Play At Preschool 

Preschool Team 

Teddy Bear Picnic

In our efforts to seek further opportunities to demonstrate kindness to others outside of our preschool to the wider community, our preschoolers will participate in a Teddy Bear Picnic Day where the children are encouraged to bring in a much loved teddy from home to join the preschoolers for a picnic. Most children (and adults) have had a treasured teddy bear toy in their lifetime which has provided emotional comfort. 


Educators engaged in conversations with our preschoolers about:

  • What it is like to feel unwell.
  • What acts of kindness could we do together to help sick children- “how can we cheer up children who are unwell in hospital?”
  • The role of toys in making children feel happy.

Following discussions and brainstorming sessions, it was decided that a special act of kindness would be to donate a brand new toy or bear and to make and send a special card with our donated toys to put a smile on the faces of children in hospital.


The children have enjoyed using their creative energies to create a group card. 

We look forward to our Teddy Bear Picnic Days in Week 10. Pink Group - Tuesday 2nd July and Purple Group - Friday 5th July 


Sustainability in Preschool

Our Preschool strives to be sustainable by incorporating practices that support children to reduce, reuse, and recycle materials. Through activities such as using recycled materials for art projects, children learn the importance of conserving resources and protecting the environment. These hands-on experiences instil eco-friendly habits whilst also igniting creativity.  The children are pictured using cardboard coffee holders and turning them into vases for flowers.