Message from Boarding

Dear Boarding House Parents and Carers,


As we reach the half-way point of our journey through 2024, we get a chance to reflect on where we have been and where we are going. It has been pleasing to see the seriousness with which many of your young people have taken their studies this year. If you get the chance, please take the time to speak with them over the holidays to reinforce this and to remind them of reasons you have chosen at great personal sacrifice to send them to St Philip’s College Boarding.


Like all boarding houses, at St Philip’s College Boarding we care for a diverse array of children, all with their own individual strengths and areas for growth. In the time I have been at the College, I have appreciated the privilege of working with your children as they develop emotionally and psychologically. As always, we appreciate your continued trust and support, and your ongoing willingness to work with us through the good times (and those that are more challenging).


We are blessed with extraordinary Boarding Staff. Their care and commitment to your children is deep and deserves acknowledgement. As always, if you have any questions or concerns, please contact them immediately via the Girls’ Boarding Phone (0409 063 408) or the Boys’ Boarding Phone (0400 972 342). I know they will do everything in their power to work with you to produce the best outcomes for your children.


For your information, the last day of term is this Friday 21 June. School will finish early at 1:00PM on that day. The Boarding House will be closing at 1:30PM. Please ensure that you have made arrangements to pick up your children by this time. The Boarding House will open again at 4PM on Sunday 21 July.


Year 9s and 10s will be going on camp early next term. Information about what those children who are going on camp require has already been sent to you by the school. Jen Inglis will send it again before the end of the week.


I hope that you and your children have a restful June-July holiday break.



Rob McArthur (Director of Boarding).