Junior Leadership

This semester our Junior Leaders have focused on the way in which they can proactively develop their leadership skills in Year 8 and 9. Under the careful mentorship of our School Captains – Denny, Dooriya, Lydia and Viraaj our group of approximately 25 students from across all houses has shown dedication, teamwork, passion and motivation to improve areas of the college and raise much-needed funds.


What have our Junior Leaders been involved in:

  • Bake sale raising over $500 for Medicin Sans Frontiers (Doctors Without Borders)
  • Focusing on sustainability with a movie night/bake sale fundraiser based on The Lorax
  • Coordinated a lunch for 40 people for Reconciliation Week
  • Coordinated and lead a global Round Square Postcard with over 15 schools participating around the world

Leaders meet each Monday at recess and begin with some snacks, team building games and then the focus of the meeting. They engage in healthy debate and build time management skills, goal setting skills and improve their communication.


Next semester our main focus is on Democracy – running the College Captain elections and fundraising as part of internationalism and adventure.