From the President

Mr David Mazengarb 

Dear Old Virgilians


I am pleased to report to OVA members at the halfway point in the student academic year.

The work of the OVA Committee (and members who have kindly volunteered to assist) in the establishment of a sub-committee to review the current process and make recommendations around the rules for both admission to the honour roll and the ongoing management of the honour roll by OVA has commenced in earnest. The Chair of the sub-committee, Alan Robertson has had some productive discussions which should provide specific recommendations to the Committee in August 2024. 


This sub-committee is collaborating with the Committee’s review of the Constitution. We are hopeful to have specific recommendations to take to members for their consideration in the very near future. The College, through the Principal, has also provided support and recommendations and has been kind enough to provide some reference points across EREA’s College's nationally to assist with the process.


We continue to work on our revised communication strategies for members to enable better engagement and participation from members. Committee member Neil Gibson has brought experience and capability to our committee as we seek to make the necessary changes as part of an overall communications strategy. There will be more to follow in this respect in the next few months.


I have asked the Secretary, Graeme Rainbow, to reach out to our Victorian members to provide feedback on the likely attendance at the OVA Melbourne reunion function on Friday 25 October 2024. We are proposing a similar format to last year and it will be important for catering purposes to understand the likely attendance. We are hoping to provide an opportunity for between 80 – 100 Old Virgilians to attend based on the feedback from last year. It would be my pleasure to inform members of the progress of returning the College to Year 12 so that students can experience a Kindergarten to 12 education once more at St Virgil’s. The College will also be represented at this function.


Also, a reminder for Tasmanian members of the annual dinner on Friday 11 October 2024 in Hobart. Another opportunity for you to be informed further about the progress of OVA and the College and a time to provide further feedback to your committee in a social environment. In addition, three more Old Virgilians will be inducted onto the Roll of Honour at the annual dinner.


For the Golfers in the membership – keep the November date clear. A relaxing environment and Michael Harvey has once again volunteered to co-ordinate even though he has finished his lengthy tenure on the Committee.