Deputy Principal/Student Wellbeing 

Dear Families and Friends,


As Term 2 comes to an end, I would like to wish everyone a safe and relaxing break. 

At assembly today I talked about keeping safe during the school holidays and also keeping safe online. I have attached some important information regarding ESafety for families to read.


I would like to congratulate past students Sanjay (Mazenod College), Monica and Michael (Nazareth College) for their hard work in the Prep space this week. The school values and embraces the Work Experience Program that our neighbouring secondary schools provide. We have hosted students from St Peter's Cranbourne this year and later in the year we will host students from Killester College. 


On a personal note, I am taking Long Service Leave from July 15th and I will return to work on August 5th. I am travelling to Indonesia to spend time with family and also visiting parts of regional Victoria when I return. 


If you have any questions or concerns relating to Student Wellbeing whilst I'm on leave,  please speak/contact Erin Nagel or Glennis Kerr 


Have a peaceful, safe and enjoyable break. 


Kind regards, 

