Assistant Principal's report

Parent Teacher Interviews 

Thank you very much to parents and families who attended Parent Teacher Interviews recently either on Monday 7th October, or end of last term as part of a Student Support Group meeting. The fact that over 95% of families attended interviews is a huge testament to our proactive community and the fruitful relationship between families and school. Thank you for giving your time to hear more about your child's learning, it means a lot to both teachers and students. I hope that you enjoyed hearing about your child's accomplishments in Term 3 and goals for the term ahead. 

A big term!

Term 4 is a term of great change and excitement as we start to wrap up our 2024 learning goals and look towards the future. Staff at Kalinda work hard to maintain routine as late in the year as we can, although pre-Christmas excitement often becomes hard to resist! It is normal for students to feel nervous and excited as they finish off the year and it is important that as parents we talk positively about new things to come as well as reminding students that whilst things change, lots of things stay the same as well! For students attending Kalinda next year, they can expect that daily routines and playtime change very little from year level to year level. Teaching teams work hard to ensure that there is consistency in our instructional models (eg what a maths or literacy lesson looks like) and that any change is managed carefully. 


When creating 2025 classes, class teachers, specialist teachers and leadership work over many many weeks considering the very best class combinations that will enable every student to thrive. Because of the complexity of this task, we can not guarantee requests and will only be able to consider requests if your child has a really specific wellbeing or learning need. We cannot consider requests for teachers. If you feel that child's needs fit this description, please email a detailed written request to as soon as possible. 


It is compulsory in Term 4 and 1 to wear a wide brimmed hat when outside (for play time or learning sessions). Thank you families for helping students dig those out after a long winter! 


I want to also thank our 5/6 students who have lead the way by consistently wearing wide-brimmed hats when outside already this term. It is well known that students (especially senior students) can sometimes find it a challenge to keep their hat on when they are playing fast-paced games like basketball, soccer and Ga Ga Ball. It is really heartening that students have made a concerted effort knowing that by their leadership, they have set up a positive and encouraging attitude in the yard to keep everyone safe. It is a huge credit to students and teachers, and speaks to our environment of student lead responsibility at Kalinda.



Take care Kalinda, you matter to me. 


Lauren Hopkins

We are kind. We are resilient. We are respectful.