Parents and Friends at Kalinda - Colour run is coming!






Our school Colour Fun Run is only 3 weeks away! It will be on Friday, November 1st down on the oval, after lunch time from 2pm to 3.30pm. 

We ask all students to wear a WHITE T-shirt for the event (white, navy or coloured shorts/pants). If you do not have a plain white t-shirt, you can turn an old logo shirt inside out.


Students will be given free sunglasses and a rainbow headband to wear for the event.

 Students will be splashed in non-toxic, biodegradable colour powder and slime while they run on the oval. The Colour Powder is made of high-quality corn starch and food colouring. Slime is water-based, biodegradable and non-toxic.


All students can participate in the colour fun run if they wish, whether they have raised funds or not.  (Parents who do NOT want their child to participate in the fun run can sign an ‘opt-out’ form at the office.)


The Colour Fun Run is a fundraising event. If your child would like to participate in the fundraising, there is still time to create their online profile page. 

Go to www.australianfundraising.com.au to set up a cybersafe online fundraising profile page for them. Then share your child’s cybersafe profile page with friends and family via social media, email or text. (no personal details or photos are used, so the page is safe to share).


This is a cashless fundraiser. So head to the website to do online donations onto your child’s profile page. Any cash donations can be converted to online donations on the website. 


Students will automatically receive prizes for their online fundraising, and only need to raise $10 to achieve a prize! Prizes will be distributed at the end of the year. There are 15 prizes to achieve. Students can also boost their fundraising goals by using digital coins on the website. 


This fundraiser will be celebrated with the Colour Fun Run on Friday November 1st. There may also be a chance to 'slime/colour a teacher' at the end of the fun run day too. 

Any parents or family members who would like to assist on the day can follow the link below to find a time to help out. 

The more helpers, the more fun we all have! Helpers will need a current WWCC and will be required to sign in at the office before assisting on the oval. Please wear clothes you don’t mind getting colour powder and slime on. 



Happy Colour Running and Fundraising! 

Kalinda Parents and Friends Team



Fundraising for 2025 Grade 6 students

Icypoles will be sold on Wednesdays ( starting the 23rd of October ) for one dollar.

Order through QKR. Icy poles will be delivered to the classrooms.

Volunteers will be warmly welcomed - if you are free on a Wednesday, and are able to supervise students to assist in setting this up.

Parents or carers must have a current Working with Children check, and food handling Certificate.