Vocational Major Update

2024 has been busy for the VCE VM students in both Year 11 and 12. With a focus on applied learning, curriculum is designed to allow students to engage in multiple learning opportunities outside the school environment.
Year 11s students created a picture book for Literacy, which they read to students at Footscray North Primary School. This was an engaging way for the VM students to learn the conventions of picture book writing, plus be able to see the reactions of their target audience to their stories, thus making the learning more real to them.
Both Year 11 and 12 students attended the Victorian Careers and Employment Expo at the start of the year at the Melbourne Showgrounds. This allowed students to interact with various tertiary training providers and employment areas to help determine their pathway options for the future.
The Year 12 Work Related Skills class arranged and ran a staff and student morning tea. This was to celebrate the end of Term 2 and to increase communication between Year 12s and staff of the school, to learn about communication within workplace teams.
Year 12 Personal Development Skills required students to organise events for the rest of the class to help with a health or wellbeing issue. One group organised a footy skills workshop for other students of the class, to learn about the importance of physical fitness to health and wellbeing. They also visited the Formula 1 Grand Prix in March, to look at the organisation required to put on such a large event.
The Year 11 class took a tour of the Qantas hangar where they toured a plane maintenance hangar and heard a talk by the Apprenticeship Coordinator of Qantas about the job opportunities at the airline and what they look for in their recruits