Vocational Major - Organ Pipes Excursion

The Year 12 VM class ventured out to the Organ Pipes to explore and undertake a group project in Week 9, planned and organised by Year 12 student, Mia Sazdov.
The focus of Unit 4 Personal Development Skills is to plan, organise and evaluate an activity that provides connection to our community and/or educates others. Mia created an activity booklet for her classmates that focused on providing students the opportunity to spend time in nature and learn about the local Aboriginal cultural landscape on the traditional Country of the Wurundjeri People. Our students discussed the continuing connection that Wurundjeri Traditional Owners have to these local lands and waters and their commitment to maintaining an ongoing role in caring for Country.
Other community based projects that the class have recently participated in include a city tour on homelessness with the Salvation Army in Melbourne, a cross-age presentation to students at Ascot Vale West Primary School about the difference between primary and secondary schooling, a blanket drive for the Lost Dogs Home and a sports equipment drive that they have kindly donated to Sunshine Salvation Army North/West Hub to support local youth in need. In Term 2, students also taught Taekwondo and Footy Skills workshops with Year 9 students at Maribyrnong College.