Community News

Independent Education Review
Have your say on the future of Tasmania’s education system.
Did you know, the Tasmanian Government has established an Independent Review of Tasmania’s Education System? The Review is being undertaken to provide advice to the Tasmanian Government on how to improve our education system over the next 10 years.
The Review wants to hear from every Tasmanian, including children and young people of all ages, families, those working in the education sector and members of the community.
There are multiple ways you can get involved.
- Respond to the public Consultation Paper
- Complete the survey for educators, families and the community
- Complete the short survey for students, and/or
- Specifically for children and young people, submit a creative response to the question
You can answer this question by providing an image of a piece of artwork you have done (with a short explanation), or something written – a short story, a sentence, a paragraph, a poem – the choice is up to you!
Creative submissions, including which year level you are in, can be sent to the Review
- by email or
- posted to GPO Box 104, Hobart, Tasmania, Australia 7000 - Attention: Independent Education Review.
Submissions responding to the Consultation Paper must be lodged by Sunday 13 October 2024, and all other consultation opportunities will close on Sunday 27 October.
Visit today, to learn more and have your say.