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Our school Canteen is run by a manager, but in order to keep it running at its best, we rely on the generous support of volunteers from our College community. Volunteering in our canteen provides a wonderful opportunity to be part of your child’s school life and get to know the staff and students your child shares so much of their time with.
Throughout the year, we have been fortunate to have the regular assistance of grandmothers Jacqueline Lester on a Tuesday and Maureen Brennan on a Wednesday. Both ladies are an incredible help to Mahesh, friendly and amazingly efficient. Jacqueline is heading off on holidays in Term Four and we wish her a safe and enjoyable time away.
We are looking for some additional assistance on a Tuesday in Term Four.
We welcome mums, dads, grandparents, carers etc. Unfortunately toddlers/children are not permitted in the Canteen due to health & safety regulations. To ensure the safety of our students, volunteers are required to present a current Working With Vulnerable People (WWVP) check to the College Office.
Our Canteen operates 5 days a week and volunteers are required from 10.30am until 1.00pm. You may wish to volunteer once a week, once a month or once a term. Any amount of time you give us is a valuable resource for the College and is sincerely appreciated. No experience is necessary. You will be guided through the preparation of lunches and the serving of over-the-counter purchases.
If you are able to volunteer, please use the sign up via this link or contact the Canteen on 6216 7909 between 8.30am and 1.30pm.
Summer Uniform - Term Four
When students return for Term Four they will be required to wear their Summer uniform.
The Uniform Shop will open on the following two days only during the school holidays:
- Thursday 10 October, 1.00 - 5.00pm
- Friday 11 October, 1.00 - 5.00pm
Learning For Life
Learning for Life commences for Term Four on Wednesday 23 October celebrating Grandparents Day.
Bring along your grandparents for a play this morning!
We welcome families to join us in the Early Learning Centre on Nelson Road on Wednesday mornings from 9.00am until 10.00am.
At Mount Carmel College our free Learning for Life program is for children aged between birth and five years old run by our Early Years educators. This program is part of the Set Up for Success initiative, a fun and free program prompting life-long skills for both young children and their families.
The program changes weekly - click on the link below for the Term 4 program.
How do I register?
Registration is required to be completed on your first visit. Registration forms are available at each session or you may pre-register by completing the online registration form by clicking on the button below.