Principal's Message

Student Led Conferences
Student Led Conferences will be taking place in classrooms on Monday 16 September from 3:45-6:00pm.
The student led conferences are key to the IB PYP at Mount View Primary School. They provide students with the opportunity to lead a reflective conversation with you to share their learning growth. Students will share some of their learning highlights from this year and your role is to celebrate their progress and achievements.
You can book your child’s 10-minute student-led conference through Compass.
Please note that the Year 5 student conferences are being held next Tuesday, 10 September due to the timing of their production.
Cybersafety-Parent and Carer session Tuesday 10 September
Young people use digital tools and technology to support their learning, for entertainment and for connecting with friends. We understand that it can be difficult for you to know how to best support your children to keep safe online.
We are hosting a parent/carer session to:
- Identify some of the ways that our students are using technology
- Explore the opportunities and challenges that digital technology brings
- Share ways that you can support your children to keep safe online
I will lead this session which will be held on Tuesday September 10 at 6.30pm in the staffroom.
Please complete this form to let us know if you will attend and you can also share any questions or topics that you would like to be covered during the session.
CyberSafety Parent Carer session
Year 5 production - Shrek Jr
Our Year 5 students will be performing in their production of Shrek Junior at Rowville Secondary College on Wednesday18 and Thursday 19 September at 7pm. The students have been busy with their rehearsals and are well prepared to impress the audience with their singing, dancing and acting skills. Thank you to our performing arts teachers Ms Dimattina and Miss Meggie for all of their effort and care to lead this significant event. Thanks also to our Year 5 teachers and other members of staff who are supporting students to be well prepared so they can enjoy the experience of performing on stage.
RU Okay Week poster competition – Entries due by Tues 10 Sept
To help celebrate R U Okay Day on Thursday 12 September, we are running a Mount View poster competition. All students are invited to design, draw or paint a poster that demonstrates how we check on and chat with friends about how they are going and if they are okay.
R U Okay Day highlights the importance and skills involved in building strong meaningful friendships and conversations. Here’s the link to find out more about R U Okay Day.
Your child can make a poster at home for the competition. This is a great opportunity to talk with your child about how they care for their friends and to check on how they are going too.
Posters can be shared with your child’s teacher or handed into the front office by Tuesday 10 September 3pm. I encourage you to read the Compass message for further information.
Nude Food Wednesdays
There continues to be a lot of rubbish in our yard and I thank you for supporting the Green Team in their Nude Food Wednesday. Please consider how much packaging is in your child’s lunchbox every day and talk to your child about how they can contribute to ensuring that our school environment is kept clean so that we can all enjoy it..
Student Free Days – 14 and 15 of November
On Thursday 14 and Friday 15 November, Mount View staff will be engaging in two days of professional development. The focus for the teachers will be on assessment in support of the reporting cycle, as well as improving teacher practice. Both of these days will be student free and TheirCare is open for bookings on both days.