Student Awards 

Student of the Term - Friday 20th September 2024

PEDylan N.  6SCFor tremendous growth, development, effort & attitude in PE during this term. Excellent work Dylan!
PELauren S. 4MPFor winning all your long distance races with such enthusiasm and a cheeky smile! Great work Lauren! 
PEChristopher S. 5DCFor a terrific District athletics effort, making Division in discus, after recovering from a serious injury. Great work Christopher!
PEZaydan E. 1LPFor showing excellent results and a great attitude in all aspects of the PE program. You are a little champion!
Visual ArtsNikita H. 6LVFor being an outstanding Visual Arts Captain and using her initiative to consistently contribute to the Art program. You're a Superstar Nikita!!
Visual ArtsEmma G. 6LVFor being an exceptional Visual Arts Captain. Your contribution to the program has been invaluable. You are amazing Emma!!
Visual ArtsAlannah M. 6LVFor your dedication and use of initiative as an amazing Visual Arts assistant. Your effort and creative talents with your art work is outstanding. Congrats Alannah.
Visual ArtsChloe F. 6JSFor your enthusiasm and initiative as an outstanding Visual Arts assistant. You consistently contribute to artroom tasks with a smile. Thank you and congratulations Chloe!
MandarinEliza V. 1VBFor always trying your best and completing the work to a high standard during the Mandarin sessions. Congrats Eliza!
MandarinNicholas P. 3LDFor your excellent engagement and for sharing insightful ideas during the Mandarin sessions. Congrats Nicholas!
MandarinEvelyn I. 5BTFor putting 100% effort into learning and completing the work with dedication. Keep up the good work Evelyn!
FrenchDarius A. 2SPFor excellent concentration and participation in French all year. Bravo Darius!
FrenchWisley H. 2SMFor all the work you've put into extending your French this year. Great learning and practising Wisley! 
FrenchEllie A. 6SCFor your wonderfully thoughtful and consistent approach to learning and improving your French this year. Bravo Ellie!
Performing ArtsRishane D. 5BTFor always working hard and demonstrating high performance and analysis skills. Well done Rishane!
Performing ArtsAndong W. 3LDFor being such a fantastic drama performer. Well done Andong!
Performing ArtsAde L. 1HQFor showing enthusiasm and great dance skills while learning and performing 'The Continental Drift' and 'The Nutbush'. Well Done Ade!
Performing ArtsEric L.PLLFor being such an entertaining Papa Bear while acting out characters from 'Goldilocks and the 3 Bears'. Keep up the great work Eric!
RoboticsChing Ham X. 1HQFor consistently showing great knowledge of algorithms and using his problem solving skills to complete some hard challenges. Keep up the great work Ching Ham! 
RoboticsStefanie W. 1LPFor always showing strong knowledge of algorithms and functions. It was so fantastic to see you share your skills to help your team. Keep up the great work Stef! 
RoboticsSahithya V. 3EBFor always making an effort to understand how robots use sensors to understand the environment. It was great to see you connected robotics with mathematics and used your skills to create smart robots. Well done Sahithya!
RoboticsLouis C. 3LDFor showing great knowledge of programming intelligent robots using sensor data. It was fantastic to see your maths skills being used to get information from data graphs to make efficient algorithms.
EALRay X. 3JNFor your active engagement and for achieving great progress in EAL. Keep up the good work Ray!
LibraryTimothy K. PNAFor being an excellent listener in Library lessons and always happily borrowing and sharing books with a big smile. You're a superstar Timothy!
LibraryLiam A. 2CLFor your keen focus in Library lessons and eagerly sharing your predictions and ideas. Keep up the amazing effort Liam!
LibrarySara J. 4OKFor always giving thoughtful answers when discussing texts and sharing considered connections to the books we read. Fantastic effort Sara!
LibraryJodies L. 6LVFor your enthusiasm for an author visit and your keen engagement with our shared novels. Wonderful effort Jodies!