Last Saturday 14th September, 20 WHPS choir students participated in The Victorian Sate Schools Spectacular at John Cain Arena.


Spec is a concert where 3000 students from government schools all around Victoria can showcase their talent whether they are in the Mass choir, Mass dance, principal vocalists or principal dancers.


WHPS participated in the Mass Choir, and we had heaps of fun.


There were five rehearsals where we learnt the songs and actions alongside other schools.


Being part of Spec meant that we could perform at John Cain Arena with our team of 20 peers and Mrs Roughton and Miss Quinn. 


We enjoyed being part of this huge production, singing, dancing and having so much fun.

It was really great because we could meet new people and also learn to perform in front of a huge audience


We would definitely recommend others to take a chance to be part of Spec next year, it was such a new and different experience to anything we have done before.


This is a once in a lifetime opportunity and we are so lucky that we were part of this SPECTACULAR experience.


Thank you,

Maliyah and Emma (Grade 6 Students)