Senior School

Year 11+12

Key Dates

Week DateActivity
10Mon 16 SepAssembly for accelerating Year 11s, period 5
Fri 20 Sep

U3+4 English Practice Exams

U3+4 Maths (General & Specialist) Practice Exams

No U3+4 classes

HolidaysMon 30 Sep - Thu 3 OctU3+4 Practice Exams
1Mon 7 OctFirst day of term 4
2Fri 18 OctY12 Celebration Day

Year 12 - The final weeks

Year 12 exams are fast approaching and all subjects are completing their final SACs or have started revision. Making the most of the coming weeks is imperative for maximising you exam performance. Here is a suggested plan for the coming weeks: 

Week What to do
Week 1 of holidays

Use the first week to set yourself up for success for the intense revision and exam period ahead. Get enough sleep, exercise and eat well. Take some time to connect with friends and family. 

Complete at least one practice exam for each subject and ensure that your study notes are finalised.

Week 2 of holiday

Compulsory Practice Exams (Mon - Thurs)

You must be at school when you have a timetabled exam. Give them your best shot as they will be marked and you will receive feedback from your teachers.

If you are unable to attend a Practice Exam please ensure that you have notified the school through Jenny or a Sporting Notification of Absence.

Week 1 Term 4

Normal classes (Mon - Fri)

All subjects will be running a revision program. 

Round 2 Practice Exams running for English and General Maths after school. 

Week 2 Term 4

Normal classes (Mon - Thurs)

All subjects will be continuing with their revision program. 

Round 2 Practice Exams

Running for English and General Maths after school. 

Celebration Day - Fri 18 Oct

Full school uniform for whole school assembly during period 1+2.

Week 3 

Term 4

No formal classes - SWOTVAC starts

Round 2 Optional Practice Exams will be running as per the timetable.

Your subject teachers will be available during regular class times to work one-on-one or in small groups.

Valedictory Dinner - Mon 21 Oct 

Week 4 Term 4

VCAA exams start!English and EAL exam Monday 29 October. 

Round 2 Optional Practice Exams will continue to run as per the timetable. 

Your subject teachers will be available during regular class times to work one-on-one or in small groups.

Week 7 Term 4VCAA exams conclude

2025 Year 12 jumpers

Year 11 students: Orders are now open for Year 12 jumpers for 2025. Use the button below to order your jumper. Please also read through the steps and FAQs from the supplier, Reform Clothing.


Note that the deadline for orders is strictly Monday 14th October. No orders will be accepted after this date.

Jumpers will arrive in January 2025, so you will receive your jumper early in Term 1 next year.


Are you interested in working in film or media?


SAC Absences

Reminder for all VCE students: any absence from a SAC must be supported by a medical certificate, or be an approved sporting absence through the MSA (Academy students only - use the link below).

An unapproved absence will result in the student receiving a score of zero for the SAC. The student will still be expected to complete the SAC when they return to school.