Middle School

Year 9+10

Key Dates

10Tue 17 Oct

Y7-11 Student-Parent-Teacher Interviews (virtual)

No classes Y7-12

Fri 20 Sep

Last day of term 3

3:10pm dismissal

1Mon 7 OctFirst day of term 4

Year 9 Respectful Relationships Workshops

Well done to the students who took part in our RR sessions on Monday. The teachers were impressed with your participation, your contributions and your maturity. We hope to see you practicing these new skills in your everyday lives :)


Session themes:

Session 1 – Understanding emotions and anger

Session 2 – Healthy relationships

Session 3 – Overcoming adversity - with guest speaker Courtney Ugle


Reporting Absences

Absences: Please log absence on Compass or call Morgan Rose on 9091 8133