Pi Day

Pi Day activities took place on Friday during recess in the Library. Students and staff celebrated pi and its importance in mathematics.


Students were invited to participate by completing an activity and submitting it in the Library. 


The best entries were chosen, and those students were invited to a special morning tea on Friday. They enjoyed games, activities, and food with their Maths teachers. 



Staff also had the option to do Pi Day activities with their Tutor Groups or classes throughout the week. 


Several competitions were held, allowing students to win a place at the Pi Day celebration. They could:

  • Complete a colouring sheet by decorating it with maths formulas and numbers.
  • Design a Maths badge with a punny, creative, or clever design.
  • Solve a Pi word search available in the Library.
  • Try "Pi in the Sky" by colouring skyscrapers using the digits of Pi and adding a background.
  • Win the TG Kahoot competition about Pi Day. TG teachers submitted their winners.



Other activities were also available throughout the week, including:

  • A Pi Quiz and memory challenge to see who could remember the most digits of pi.
  • Drawing a perfect circle challenge, where students (and staff) competed to draw the most accurate circle on a screen.
  • Finding their birthday in Pi, discovering where their birthdate appeared in the number sequence.
  • Reading "Sir Cumference and the Dragon of Pi" through a PDF or online video.
  • Writing a Piku (a Pi-themed haiku) and other language based activities.



The event was a fun and engaging way for students and staff to celebrate Pi Day together!