Fee Relief Scholarship

Applications close on Friday 28 March, so please get your paperwork together.
The College is happy to announce that we have been gifted more scholarships and they’re for any student (Year 7 – 12) whose family is struggling with cost-of-living pressures.
Our desire, and that of our generous donors is to relieve financial hardship for our families.
The Process to Apply is Easy!
- Read the attached ‘Fee Relief’ Scholarship Information and Application Form and the Selection Criteria
- Complete the Application Form
- Complete the Declaration of Assistance Form
- Collect and include ALL necessary documents and SUBMIT with your application.
- Applications can be emailed to: registrar@stphilips.nt.edu.au (ensure you’ve attached all the necessary paperwork) OR you can deliver to College Reception (Mon-Fri 8:00am to 4:00pm).
Please note: Scholarships are not available to students already receiving financial assistance and staff members of St Philip’s College
If you have any questions about the scholarships, please call Janine Cooper on 8950 4501 or email: registrar@stphilips.nt.edu.au