Learn How to Use

Operoo + Schoolbox +

College App

Information Session

Fred McKay Education Centre 


Wednesday 26th March 


Come along to this practical information session AND bring your phone and/or laptop and learn how to use Operoo + Schoolbox + College App


Learn how to access them and handy tips on how to use our College systems. 

This is an open information session for parents to learn the best way to use Operoo, Schoolbox and the College App. Share your hints, and we’ll discuss any problems or queries you may have.


This session is to help provide you with what is needed for the upcoming camp season and ease any problems or frustrations you may have.


First session is limited to 100 places.You must reserve your seat - to do so please click on this link:




For more information, contact Paul Bailey 8950 4511.










The easiest way to stay up-to-date with everything that is happening is through Schoolbox!


Schoolbox is an online portal where parents, teachers and students can connect, communicate and collaborate. It is regularly updated to ensure information is current and provides a place to see what your child is learning, their homework and how they are tracking. It’s an all-in-one learning management system, community portal and engagement platform.


To login to Schoolbox:

  1. Visit https://schoolbox.stphilips.nt.edu.au/login/
  2. The first time you login, select “Parents, forgotten your password”
  3. When prompted enter your full email address then select send – the email address must be the one that you have given St Philip’s College that identifies you as the parent of a current student. If your email has changed, please inform the college. In this way only you may access your children’s details. If you feel that your email address has been compromised, please inform the college.
  4. Once Schoolbox recognises your email as that belonging to a parent, you will be sent an email to reset your password.

If you have a question about Schoolbox or have troubles using the program, please email cphelp@stphilips.nt.edu.au

The SPC App

St Philip’s College has its own app that is available for download on both iOS and Android devices. It provides all the benefits of Schoolbox on your phone!


The app allows you: 

  • Access to the latest news, events and alerts as they are published.
  • Access to your student/s information including timetables, homework, grades and reports.
  • Quick access to notify Student Access if your child is absent.
  • Contacts for staff and departments.
  • The latest newsletters.
  • Online ordering for the Rivergum Café, and more!

How do I use the app?


Before you can use the app, you must log into Schoolbox. 

The log in details for Schoolbox will then be used for the app.

  1. Click the below pictures to download from the App Store or Google Play store.

Alternatively, you can search for St Philip’s College NT in your phone store. The icon will look like the icon to the right.

  1. Login with your Schoolbox credentials to access the app.
  2. Set up your own preferences so that you can receive the notifications you want in real time – go to Settings, then Notifications.
  3. Set up your own preferences so that you can receive the notifications you want in real time – go to Settings, then Notifications.