Management of Head Injuries/Concussion

St Philip's College is committed to responding to suspected or actual concussion in a way that facilitates the recovery of the student and does not put them at risk of further harm. At St Philip's we use the ‘HeadCheck’ app to guide staff in the management of any student who has sustained any form of head injury. The app was developed in collaboration with concussion experts from Murdoch Children’s Research Institute and the AFL.


Concussion is a type of brain injury caused by a blow to the head or anywhere on the body, which transmits a force to the head. Most commonly, it causes temporary impairment, and the symptoms may develop over the hours or days following the injury. Cognitive functions in children and adolescents may be affected for up to two months following concussion. In most cases a person will recover from concussion without intervention, provided they have an adequate period of rest to recover.

It is the school’s policy that where concussion cannot be ruled out, following a head injury, students will be treated as if they have concussion and will be removed from physical activities. We are guided by the motto: ‘if in doubt, sit them out’. Parents/carers are instrumental in working with the College to manage student concussions, by ensuring that the following guidelines are followed.


1. If a student receives a head injury whilst at school and the ‘HeadCheck’ app requests that medical attention is required, parents will be notified of the injury and asked to collect their child from school and will be advised to seek medical assessment.

a. Non-concussed - when your child returns to school a clearance form, provided by St Philips, is to be signed by parents/ guardians and handed to Student Access or the Medical Centre.

b. Concussed – when your child returns to school following a diagnosed concussion a ‘return to school clearance’ or ‘graded return plan’ must be handed to Student Access or the Medical Centre to ensure all staff are aware of limitations. (samples attached)


2. If a student receives a head injury during ‘out of school hours’ ie playing sport on the weekend and has received medical attention it is IMPORTANT that the same steps a. & b. are followed so that staff are aware and can put in place measures recommended by student’s medical practitioner.


3. Students will not be permitted to participate in physical activity until they have been medically assessed and cleared to return to sport.



St Philips suspected concussion form for parents/ guardians



St Philips concussion clearance form for medical practitioner




Deborah Page

Medical Centre Manager