
Project Compassion

Caritas Australia has one major fundraising drive during Lent each year . This year we are being urged to "Unite Against Poverty." All Caritas Projects assist communities in developing countries by funding projects which will make people's lives better, not just for today but for the future.


Fresh drinking water and access to toilets is a basic  need that all children should have when attending school. Without them the health of children is at risk . Yet many of the communities Caritas supports do not have these facilities.


With your help, we hope that Trinity College can raise $10,000 this year which will provide a toilet block and a water tank for a school in Samoa.


Your son has been given a Project Compassion Box to collect donations for Caritas during Lent. He should return the Box in the last week of Term 1 with a donation or  you can make a donation via the Trinity College Online Store below.



Please give generously . If you can, we would like each family to donate at least $30 to this Appeal. Thank you.

Year 10 Mass

Thank you to our Head of Year, Mr Oddie, and to 10.1 and 10.2, especially Ms Formosa, for ensuring that all students were in the Chapel ready to carry out their assigned roles. Thank you to all students who had a role, especially to our ever-supportive parents and to Old Boy Anders Phan who played the piano so beautifully. Fra Oscar you always inspire us with your messages and wise words of wisdom, so thank you!

Rowers Mass

With Head of the River just days away, our rowing community came together for our Rowing Mass - a tradition of gratitude, reflection, and unity. It was wonderful to see so many students, parents, coaches, Old Boys, and staff in attendance, celebrating the bonds that make our rowing program at Trinity so special.


This Mass is about giving thanks. Giving thanks for the opportunity to be part of the rowing shed, for the friendships formed, and for the chance to compete on Saturday. We are grateful for the journey, the lessons, and the unwavering support of our TC family. A special thank you to Fra Oscar for inspiring all rowers to dig deep for those ‘6 minutes’, knowing they have done their best.

Friday Community Mass

Congratulations to Ms Fistonich’s 8.7 and Mr Allanson’s 12.7 PCG for hosting our Friday Community Mass, especially our readers. Thank you, Mr Oliver and Mr Allen, for supporting these year groups.


Please keep Fra Oscar in your prayers as he recovers from a procedure yesterday to remove all the screws and metal plates in his leg, after his surgery last May. We were kindly supported by Fr Kenneth Acosta. Thank you, Fr!


Mrs Rosa West

Director of Campus Ministry