ARPS Has Got Talent

Athol Road Has Got Talent 2024 will be taking place on Friday 9th August.
This a fantastic opportunity for the children to share and celebrate their creative performances - playing an instrument, telling jokes, magic tricks, dancing, singing, saying a poem, drama skit, juggling, creating an animation etc.
Everything safe is welcome!
Some important details:
Students may perform as an individual or in small groups.
There are two easy ways for your child to enter:
- Attend an in-person audition during lunchtime the week of July 22nd to 26th.
- Upload a video entry to Seesaw (on your child’s performing arts journal page with the title ‘Talent Show Entry’ clearly displayed).
Students' auditions for the performance should last no longer than 1 minute.
If your child is selected for the final show, the performance can be up to 3 minutes long.
How to register your interest:
Write your name down on the sign up sheet. The list will be outside the 1/2 learning space for Foundation to Year 2 students and outside the Performing Arts room for Years 3 - 6 students. You will need to write down if you are attending the audition in person or submitting a video.
We look forward to celebrating all the diverse talents of our wonderful students!