Principal's Page 

Dear Families,


Although we have had some sunny days, there is a bit of sickness around in both students and staff. Please keep students at home if they are unwell and get symptoms checked out by a doctor if possible. 



Congratulations to Maggie Power for receiving the Padua College Perseverance Conquers All Award. This was presented to Maggie for her enthusiastic participation in school activities, her positive attitude, working collaboratively and supporting others and displaying school pride. Mr Sonny Voss, from Padua, presented the award to Maggie at last week's assembly.

Congratulations to Lillianne and Abby on receiving the St Joseph's Award. for consistently displaying our school values and behaviour expectations.


Bunnings Sausage Sizzle

A huge thank you to Emma Burton-Royce, Liz Meyer and Jess Anderson for organising the Bunnings Sausage Sizzle. Thank you to the many parents who generously assisted on the day; Luke Benedictus, Henry Catts, Marcus Lyncoln, Assunta Galbraith and her dad Graham, Catherine McClennan, Sophie Morton, Angie and Neil Wakefield and Andrew Royce and/or provided donations. It was a most successful day with $2500  being raised for new classroom furniture. 



St Joey's Olympics/Multi-Cultural Day

We had a wonderful day celebrating diversity, unity, friendship and respect last Monday. Thank you to Megan Barber, who organised the day and thank you parents for supporting the event by providing food for a shared lunch and ensuring students were dressed in Olympic themed outfits. 

Five Nights at Freddy's Phenomena

Just wanted to draw to parents attention the Friday at Freddy's movie, game and books. It is very popular at the moment amongst students but is not appropriate for children to read, particularly juniors due to the horror themes. The Five Nights at Freddy's book series is generally suitable for readers aged 12 and older. While the books offer a gripping and eerie experience, they are crafted with a young adult audience in mind.


Family Information Evenings

There are two family evenings coming up for interested families. 


Exploring Mathematics Together: Wed 4 Sep

Mathematics is the curriculum area we get most questions about concerning how we teach content and comments about how and why the teaching has changed over time. Please come along to our information night to see how we teach Maths. Students will start the evening with their parents before leaving them with Megan Barber as I supervise them downstairs with some engaging activities. 


Tricky Conversations: Wed 18 Sep

Formally known as Family Life Evenings, the sessions are facilitated by a staff member from Interrelate. There will be two sessions - 

Session One: Where did I come from?

Session Two: Preparing for puberty

More details about the sessions can be found later in the newsletter. An Operoo will be sent out later this week.



St Joseph's has entered a team in this year's Wakakirri Festival. Wakakirri, a nationwide festival for Australian schools that provides a platform for students to express their thoughts, ideas, and aspirations through the art of storytelling and dance. Inspired by the belief that great stories can inspire change, Wakakirri is designed to promote student engagement and well-being in schools through the creation and performance of captivating Story-Dances.

​Thank you to Jasmine Gregory who has facilitated this experience for interested students this year. We wish our performers all the very best for Thursday 22 August. Chookas!


MACS Annual Report 2023

The 2023 MACS Annual Report is available online. Please use the QR code below.

E-Waste Collection

An E -Waste collection has been organised to technology devices no longer being used at school. We would like to extend the opportunity to families also. Any computers, printers, old devices can be brought to school and will be collected on Friday 30 August.


Bring Your Own Device Policy

We are presently reviewing our technology including students bringing their own devices to school. Please do not purchase a device for either this year or next year until a decision is communicated with you.


Ritchies Loyalty Card

Each month we receive a Community Benefits Payment from Ritchies which is money from a percentage of purchases made by customers who have selected St Joseph's School Sorrento as their nominated organisation. If you shop regularly at Ritchies, you may download the app or register a card online and nominate St Joseph's Sorrento and we will benefit from your shopping.


Hotel Sorrento

All parents are invited down to Hotel Sorrento on Friday 30 August between 5:00 - 7:00pm. All proceeds from their weekly raffle will be donated to St Joseph's School.


School Closure Day 

Next Monday 19 August is a school closure day. Staff will participate in a professional learning day on Writing. If you need assistance with supervision of your child/ren, please email me.


Many thanks,
