Lindy Burke

Welcome Back to Term 3!

Welcome back! I hope everyone had a restful break and feels rejuvenated for the exciting term ahead.

We’ve already started Term 3 with a fantastic incursion by Meerkat Productions, featuring CBCA performances. By all accounts, these performances were highly entertaining and enjoyed by all. These performances are just the start of things to come, with our BOOKWEEK Celebrations scheduled for Friday, the 30th of August. Pop this date in your diary and start thinking about costumes. It will be here before you know it!

I am delighted to welcome Matt Saunders to Echuca East. Matt will be taking over 56A for the remainder of the year. He brings a wealth of experience with him, and we are excited to have him on board sharing his expertise. If you see Matt around the school, please feel free to introduce yourself and give him a warm Eastie welcome.

We are incredibly proud to announce our NAPLAN results. Our Grade 5 students excelled, achieving higher average scores (in Reading, Writing, Spelling, Grammar & Punctuation, and Numeracy) than both 'Similar Schools' and 'Network Schools.' Our Grade 3 students also performed exceptionally well, outscoring 'Similar Schools' and 'Network Schools' in three of the five areas. This is a tremendous effort from all involved. Grade 3 and Grade 5 students’ NAPLAN Student Reports are now available for collection from their classroom teachers. Please make the time to come in and collect these informative reports.

Next week, our Level 3 students will head off to Alexandra Adventure Resort for a three-day camp. Despite the chilly weather, I’m sure they will have an amazing time! Stay tuned for updates via our Facebook page.

Next Thursday is another momentous day on our EEPS calendar, with our Prep students celebrating 100 days at school. Time sure does fly! We look forward to marking this special milestone with them.

Other than that, week one is almost done and dusted. Don’t forget our first assembly is next Friday - we hope to see you there! 

On that note - Wishing everyone a lovely weekend and an awesome Term 3!